Files from phone can only be opened inside OO app and not from outside OO app when we choose an option "Open with"

I have checked will this issue happen with WPS office mobile app, so with the option “Open with” in File Manager and it does not happen with WPS Office app.

Understood, thank you for your update. We need some time to check it out.

I am using standard google application named ‘Files’, the package name is, the current version is t_frc_doc_330543000.

Thank you, we are checking the situation.

I’m updating this topic in order to provide additional data to the OnlyOffice team.

Current situation (after the recent update of the app) is that the example .docx and .pptx files are opened and saved good but the example .xlsx file brought to blank page template and opened file crash (not entire application crash but only opened file view crash) upon trying to make any action such as resizing the screen by zooming in or out.

Important thing is that when I try to add the .txt file through ‘+’ icon I got the message “ have no access to [the file]”. Maybe it will help you.

Hello @dimm
Thank you for your update.
Is it possible to record a video file on the new behavior which you faced after the app updating? It would help us in our research.

Yep. Here’s the video requested. It presents a minor usability problem and the trouble with the .xlsx file:

The problem with adding the .txt files is not reproduced anymore. My device wasn’t even restarted before this problem had disappeared. Editing of .txt files seem to work good now.

Hello @dimm
Thank you for provided video file. Recently we have updated Android app to v.7.5.1, please check if you are using the latest version in your new test: ONLYOFFICE desktop and mobile apps | ONLYOFFICE

@nicesto if it’s possible, please update the app too and double check the scenario that we disscussed in this thread.

@Alexandre, I was using version 7.5.1 in this test, build 501 sdk .

@dimm Thank you.
Do you still use this device?
Device: Xiaomi Redmi 5
OS version: Android 8.1.0 OPM1
I have found it in your another post, but I need your confirmation.

@Alexandre yes, both 12C and Redmi 5 belong to me and operable.

Funny enough, the problem with the .xlsx file is not reproduced anymore. It was fixed without explicit actions from my side. Most probably the Google team realized it broke something and had made a silent/non-obvious update, I noticed such update once during this timeframe, just before the problem was mended.

I checked standard OnlyOffice examples plus .txt and .csv files on both devices, all working good now, no major issues. Minor bugs present yet are already displayed usability problem with .pptx files (blocked ‘back’ button) and wrong screen size estimation with .csv files (tap on any cell selects the cell located much lower than the actual place of tap, this misbehavior disappears after resizing the sheet.).

@dimm we are glad that the situations with xlsx\txt files are resolved.

Minor bugs present yet are already displayed usability problem with .pptx files (blocked ‘back’ button) and wrong screen size estimation with .csv files (tap on any cell selects the cell located much lower than the actual place of tap, this misbehavior disappears after resizing the sheet.).

Have you reported these scenarios? If not, please provide us with recorded video file and we will check them out.

@Alexandre, I have reported the first scenario earlier in this thread, the video is dated 2023-12-03. The second scenario I will post here little bit later, if I will be able to reproduce it.

The operator of these devices is me.

Thank you, we are checking the described situation with ‘back’ button.

Here is the video of the problem with .csv file. It is reproduced on Redmi 5 and is not reproduced on Redmi 12C. Note the blurred contents which is changed to normal sharp render after the sheet resizing.

Conditions to reproduce:
After first (buggy) attempt, the application is learned, so next attemps may render the file without the bug. To get the bug appear again, the application should be restarted, as a general rule.

Hello @dimm

I’d ask you to create a separate thread for this issue to avoid mixing up different issues in one thread.


I have created the corresponding separate topics for the OnlyOffice team. Here are the links leading to them:

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Unfortunately, OO mobile app is not supported anymore on my phone, because my phone has Android version 7.0 and that is the last update for my phone and OO mobile app requires Android version 8.0. So, I can’t check does this issue still happen.


Hello @nicesto
Understood. If you are able to check out described situation on another device, we will be glad for your report.