Couple of suggestions I've come to think about usind .docx text editor

I’ve been doing my course papers for a couple of days back to back and my general experience with the .docx editor was pretty solid, though I would like to give some suggestions.

  1. I would like to be able to split page on 2 sides in “View” instrument page. Couple of hours in, been doing my reference page (which is the last one in 30-pages-long document) and using the “Search” option for all http’s and tap multiple times to get to the right space was not quite convenient personally.
  2. I also encountered another inconvenience, being significant drop in performance while manipulating or highlighting text blocks. While highlighting 2-pages-long of A4 references to change its’ format I’ve seen page going down literally “frame-by-frame”. Don’t really know what may cause this, but could be nice to smooth that thing.
  3. Another one, just mentioned it alt-tabbing to the doc and back. By far I have 26 pages of text and just interacting with the document seems to lower the output performance. My PC is not the one you see in class getting overwhelmed by basic operations (i7-10750H CPU), so I guess it’s not the issue here.
  4. Last one so far, more of a personal thing, not sure if it makes sense to the others or not, but I would like to see the option to split table in right-mouse-click menu rather than in a section with page break options, maybe duplicate it here as an alternative. Again, this one is subjective an biased, but getting from lots of Microsoft office experience it’s just more intuitive to check for a table break in a right mouse click, rather than in a section with page breaks n different toolbar.

Hello @ohmin

  1. I would like to be able to split page on 2 sides in “View” instrument page. Couple of hours in, been doing my reference page (which is the last one in 30-pages-long document) and using the “Search” option for all http’s and tap multiple times to get to the right space was not quite convenient personally.

Do you mean Multipage feature that we discussed here? Multipage view within a document

I also encountered another inconvenience, being significant drop in performance while manipulating or highlighting text blocks. While highlighting 2-pages-long of A4 references to change its’ format I’ve seen page going down literally “frame-by-frame”. Don’t really know what may cause this, but could be nice to smooth that thing.

Another one, just mentioned it alt-tabbing to the doc and back. By far I have 26 pages of text and just interacting with the document seems to lower the output performance. My PC is not the one you see in class getting overwhelmed by basic operations (i7-10750H CPU), so I guess it’s not the issue here.

These two point require detailed checks. Could you please record a video file while you’re reproducing the situations and provide it with us along with test files?

Last one so far, more of a personal thing, not sure if it makes sense to the others or not, but I would like to see the option to split table in right-mouse-click menu rather than in a section with page break options, maybe duplicate it here as an alternative. Again, this one is subjective an biased, but getting from lots of Microsoft office experience it’s just more intuitive to check for a table break in a right mouse click, rather than in a section with page breaks n different toolbar.

It sounds excellent! We are discussing the situation internally. I will contact you once we have something to share.

Hello @ohmin
There’re shortcuts for the described scenario: Ctrl+Enter and Ctrl+Shift+Enter. Will they be suitable for you? As for table break in a right mouse click, could you please specify the editor with this feature and provide us with a screenshot? We’ll check it out.

Good day, @Alexandre !

I’ll have the next round of my study session next week, so I’ll comment some things now, add some new points and write some of them down in my textpad to get back to them later.

From the text on page it seems like a new major update to the program, I have to get my papers by the Friday, then I’ll get through it in detail and see if that’s in or not.

As for the performance issue, I am writing my papers today and likely Monday. Last week it appeared while doc contained a sizeable amount of text and had been opened for several hours, I’ll keep an eye on it today and report to you if it was the case.

As for table break with right mouse button, I was confusing some of MS Office features, that in fact works as in the doc in Onlyoffice, which provides this feature in one of the main tool pages. It was my mistake and I apologize for taking your time on that thing.

Now I’ll attach a link to my video with a couple of questions to it.” (first time doing that, may not be playable)
Timelines: 0:24 - 0:40 : I’ve made a table and it pasted to the presentation slide as intended, but at
0:45 - 1:13 : I’ve split the table, then got 2 parts together and it led to the table being seen as 2 separate parts despite looking as one entity
1:35 : pasted the table in presentation slide, also it started to be one table on top of another by default paste mode. As I was writing my course paper I had to recreate tables that had been separated on the adjacent pages to correctly input it to the presentation slide
2:15 : another issue I’ve encountered while doing by papers with the page numbers. As you can see, with a couple of section breaks (haven’t tested with normal page breaks), if I try to edit or alter the number it throws me couple of sections higher to the page number of the previous section.

Again, as for the performance issue and splitting page thing I will cover this thoroughly in a week when I’ll be done with my study, just wanted to give you some thoughts as I remember things that I’ve seen from last week.

By the way, I also wanted to as you 2 things, first one is whether this new update with page splitting also provides to display multiple pages when, say, 50% scale or less is selected? Don’t want to waste your time to answer if that’s already covered in this update, yet kind of curious about this one. Also, wanted to ask you what’s the hot-key to the “empty space” thing is, if Ctrl+shift+Enter is a table break.

Thank you for reaching me back, I value you work to make this product better and I’m glad I can get you something from a user perspective that may be useful to you :blush:

I’ve got the numbers thing. It kept throwing me at the first section with the link to the previous one to correct the first number and thus changing all the following ones afterwards

captured the performance issues I was talking about, will share a vide in 1-2 days

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Hello @ohmin

We are still working on the mentioned feature. If the description matches with your expectations, I will add your request and will notify you once it is released.

As for the performance issue, I am writing my papers today and likely Monday. Last week it appeared while doc contained a sizeable amount of text and had been opened for several hours, I’ll keep an eye on it today and report to you if it was the case.

Ok, please keep us posted.

As for table break with right mouse button, I was confusing some of MS Office features, that in fact works as in the doc in Onlyoffice, which provides this feature in one of the main tool pages. It was my mistake and I apologize for taking your time on that thing.

That’s OK, you can use shortcuts for this scenario.
Let’s focus on new requests:

Now I’ll attach a link to my video with a couple of questions to it.” (first time doing that, may not be playable)
Timelines: 0:24 - 0:40 : I’ve made a table and it pasted to the presentation slide as intended, but at
0:45 - 1:13 : I’ve split the table, then got 2 parts together and it led to the table being seen as 2 separate parts despite looking as one entity
1:35 : pasted the table in presentation slide, also it started to be one table on top of another by default paste mode. As I was writing my course paper I had to recreate tables that had been separated on the adjacent pages to correctly input it to the presentation slide
2:15 : another issue I’ve encountered while doing by papers with the page numbers. As you can see, with a couple of section breaks (haven’t tested with normal page breaks), if I try to edit or alter the number it throws me couple of sections higher to the page number of the previous section.

Thank you for the provided video file and detailed description! We are checking mentioned situations.

By the way, I also wanted to as you 2 things, first one is whether this new update with page splitting also provides to display multiple pages when, say, 50% scale or less is selected?

We are still working on this feature. Unfortunately, I cannot share any details at the moment.

Also, wanted to ask you what’s the hot-key to the “empty space” thing is, if Ctrl+shift+Enter is a table break.

Do you mean Alt+Enter in the cell? Please show me the usage scenario.

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yeah, that would be great, thank you!

here’s the link to my new video:
0:00 - 0:08 : as you can see here, text selection goes smooth, everything seems good so far
0:09 - 0:14 : then I start to select text on multiple pages. Let’s say I have to format it, change interval or smth and at
0:15 - 0:29 : there you can see scrolling starts to be with lower performance
0:30 - 0:35 : when I cancel text selection on multiple pages we can now compare paragraph selection with 0:00 - 0:08. As I can tell, performance got slower, got more delays between mouse movement and the actual text selection
0:50 - 1:48 : now I wanted to record graph movement, and as you can see the selection of the picture itself takes some time, and after that, when I start moving it around from one page corner to another you can see more significant drop of performance
1:57 - 2:24 : this part is not that important, tried to highlight multiple text pages again, the performance was about the same as at 0:30 - 0:35 give or take, maybe a bit lower at the end of the video

In my doc alt+enter work the same as normal enter. By empty space I meant alt+num(255). I had to use this symbol quite extensively when I edited the “contents” part where I needed a small space between the number and the text:

  1. texttexttext
  2.   texttexttext 

The second one is what I normally get from auto numeration, but alt 255 enables to manually cancel it so I don’t get a “+tab” interval between the number and the text. In Word it was smth along the lines of shift+alt+enter, but here I guess I have to use the numpad for this thing, wasn’t sure if there’s a short cut to this symbol/function

Hello @ohmin

Could you also specify OS of the device and version of Desktop Editors? If the device runs on unix-like system, then also specify installation method of Desktop Editors (DEB package, flatpak, snap, AppImage).

hi there @Constantine ! Sure,
OS : Windows 10 Pro, 22H2
ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors: (x64 exe)

Please await for the release of Desktop Editors v8.3 and check the situation on this version.

Can you attach a document with sample content where both these cases are used? That’d be a better example than post here. Thank you.

New version was just released. Please update your app and check the situation again.

the update solved the performance issues from the first vid. Graph now moves smoothly, text selection for 20 pages straight caused no drop in performance, much appreciated it, thank you!

I attach a link to the file that has the use cases with table breaks issues,
For the alt+num code I need some extra time to provide a coherent feed back and test some other things

Hello @ohmin
We have checked this scenario and found a bug. We have started working on it. Thank you for the valuable data!

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1:35 : pasted the table in presentation slide, also it started to be one table on top of another by default paste mode. As I was writing my course paper I had to recreate tables that had been separated on the adjacent pages to correctly input it to the presentation slide

This one is related to previous registered bug.

2:15 : another issue I’ve encountered while doing by papers with the page numbers. As you can see, with a couple of section breaks (haven’t tested with normal page breaks), if I try to edit or alter the number it throws me couple of sections higher to the page number of the previous section.

This one is interesting. We have added a bug to internal tracksystem. I want thank you one more time for the detailed scenarios.

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