Multipage view within a document

Firstly, I love your product, OnlyOffice is beautiful, streamlined and best of all, open source. I would like to make a suggestion however as I feel it is missing an important feature.

The application does not have a way to view multiple pages of a document at a time. I am Dyslexic and I often find it easier to zoom out of a document and view a few pages at once to take the content in better and make amendments. I write a lot of essays and this is invaluable for me.

It would be amazing if we could either click on a symbol or scroll out to see a side by side page comparison as you can in LibreOffice Writer, WPS Office or Microsoft Word. So say page 1 on the left and page 2 on the right and so on.

Type of Installation: deb
Version: ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors version
OS: Linux (Pop OS)
Browser: Brave

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Hello @metaporic

Thank you for the suggestion! We have forwarded it to our Development Department for further consideration.

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Hello, I was going to suggest the same feature and would like to add to consider a split view like this browser does How do I use split-screen in Wavebox?
and also have the option that both views have independent scroll options, so I could review the index/structure of a document while I reading/writing on it.

Yes please @onlyoffice! The ability to View two pages side-by-side really accelerates productivity when completing formatting of document, contracts etc…any progress on this?

Hello @amv
We are still working on it (internal track number - 35959). I will update this thread when we have something to share.
Sorry for inconvenience.

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Thank you for your replies Kate and Alexandre, it is great to hear that you have forwarded the suggestion to the Development Department.

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Hi Team, any update on this please?

Mac v7.3 is a great improvement overall, multipage would really help…


Hello @amv
Sorry, no news at the moment, the work is still in progress.

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I started using Onlyoffice for the first time today. First thing I came here for was exactly this question - multipage and split views. Love to see responses from Kate and Alexandre, it inspires confidence in the product and development.

Hello @typ0-e
Thank you for the kind words and welcome on the forum. We will update this thread when we have something to share on the case that was discussed here.

+1 Hope to add this feature

Hello @hufei
Your request has been collected. I will update this thread when we have something to share.

+1 Hope to add this feature

Hello @sw_man
Your request is collected. I will update this thread once we release this feature.

Hi, can someone give a status update on this requested feature? I have an ultrawide monitor and I cannot take advantage of this, because I can view only one page at the time. It is the only feature that I’m missing so far. For the rest Onlyoffice just looks great! Thank you.

Hello @Chris73
We are actively working on this feature right now. We will update this thread when we have something to share.

Hi Alexandre - I just discovered ONLYOFFICE and it’s the most amazing thing!! THANK YOU! Seriously, I was having formatting issues with Trio and Libre, so actually paid for 365 - which was terrible! Can you believe it?? Microsoft clearly lost the plot with that product… after 2 weeks of frustrations I tried ONLYOFFICE and it’s just so amazing and I can’t believe it’s free for little people like me thank you thank you thank you

However, it is true that whilst I have found ONLYOFFICE the best possible word processor in every imaginable way… this one feature lacking is standing out to me

Did you know that even Microsoft 365 Word cannot develop this feature with any scaleability?? So you can have page-by-page view but you cannot zoom in at all; it makes the pages too small on a screen such as mine (with eyes like mine hehe) and so is pretty much useless

So if you can figure this one out - with zoom - it will really be a sticking one to your main competitors!!

Otherwise I remain extremely grateful for your gift to the world, thank you so much. Hope this feedback is useful

Dear @hbart218
Thank you for the kind words! We strive to build the best product, and the community’s contributions are invaluable. As for the Multipage view, we are still working on implementing this feature. I have added your request to internal tracksystem, and we will update this thread once we have something to share.

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any milestone release for this feature request?

Hello @fenris
Not yet, we are still working on it.