Contents becomes more crowded in onlyOffice (onlyOffice V7.1)

MS Word:


Because the space changed, also the page number may be wrong

See also: Line space and font style changed in onlyOffice (onlyOffice V7.1)

The tail contents even changed the font style:

The file:
myMulu0612.docx (28.4 KB)

Tell my why?

thanks :wink:

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Hello @LittleZ
Thank you for the file, we will check it out.
However, please bear in mind that v.7.1 is outdated and we always recommend updating your installation in a timely manner.

Hello @LittleZ
The described situation is related to a known bug. We are working on it already. I will update this thread once we release a fix for it.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks a lot :slightly_smiling_face: