Workspace Community Document Server not available?

Community Server/Control Panel version: 12.1.1194 / 3.1.410
Type of installation of Workspace (exe)
OS: Windows Server 2022
Browser version: Edge (107.0.1418.35)

I read some of the article/forum that Community workspace is a ready to go server with document server built-in (i might be wrong). i setup the server changing the configuration file (web.appsettings.config) to include the same localhost information (i can’t use the GUI due to an error message “API URL : Service not defined”).

Try to open the sample document, then got an error message (i have attached the screenshot). Seem like DS wasn’t come in the Workspace package?

Hello @funmix

This is true that there is a Document Server built into ONLYOFFICE Workspace.
However, it is locked to be used only inside the Workspace bundle and cannot be used outside it.
We recommend you to revert the changes made to web.appsettings.config to avoid issues with access to it via Workspace environment.

Hi @Constantine i have reverted the config file to “”. But when i try open any of the sample file, instead open it from web browser for editing, the file is downloaded into the machine. How we can make use of the Document Server that built into the Workspace?

Thank you

Unfortunately, to use Document Server as self-dependent app you will have to download and install a separate instance of it. For example, you can use Document Server Community Edition:

As for the downloading issue you can use this config as a reference to set proper values:
After changing the config file execute this command systemctl restart monoserve.
To make sure that the portal is using correct address proceed to Settings > Integration > Document Service and press reset to reset Document Server address to default.

Hi @Constantine

Thank you very much for the information. Since DS is built into Workspace, why would need to run as self-dependent?

Which mean I need to install DS to another server and do the integration?

What I’m trying to achieve is we are able to modify/view the files via Internet browser instead of downloading the file separately from the Workspace.

Thank you

So you want to use the Document Server built into Workspace in the integration to other storage application?

In the Workspace package the Document Server is locked to be used only inside the Workspace and you cannot integrate it into other application.

Hi @Constantine

I’m not going to integrate with other storage solution/application. I’m planning to use for documents repository and editing of documents within Workspace natively via web browser. But editing documents is not doable for now. Thank you.

Could you please share with us guide that you have used to install the instance of Workspace?
Also, did you followed this recommendation?

proceed to Settings > Integration > Document Service and press reset to reset Document Server address to default.

Hi @Constantine

I’m following the guide to setup the Workspace community edition with all default value.

Yes, I have reset the value become empty and reverted the configuration file to default value “”.

Thank you

Could you please make a screenshot of the Windows control panel with installed ONLYOFFICE apps?
With admin account we can run some tests, so if it is possible please send me credentials to enter the portal with admin account via PM.

Hi @Constantine

Is this the Control Panel?

The portal is not publicly published, I believe you are not able to access it from external network.

Thank you.

You have sent the screenshot of the Workspace’s Control Panel.
I asked you for a screenshot of installed ONLYOFFICE apps on your Windows Server. Please open Control Panel on your server, navigate to ‘Programs and Features’ tab and make a screenshot of installed ONLYOFFICE programs.

Hi @Constantine

Apologize for that. I misunderstood the meaning.

Here you go.

Thank you.

As I can see the Document Server is missing in the list. For some reason it was not installed or was removed.
Please use this link to the installation .exe file and run it again to install missing components:

Hi @Constantine

I have followed the URL and installed it to a new environment. But I believe the installation file is corrupted. But once I click on OK button, the installation proceeds as usual. I guess this corrupted installer is the missing piece for Document Server.


In fact, I’m seeing this error message when I first install/download from this URL.

Maybe can contact the PIC to look into this?

Thank you

Hello again @funmix

I am sorry for the late reply.
We have tested the .exe installation file and found where the trouble comes from. Right now our team is working on it.
I will inform you when the fix is released.

Apologies for the inconvenience caused.

Hi @Constantine

Thank you for the update and troubleshooting.

Will wait for your updates.

Thank you.

Hi @Constantine

Good day, I have tried downloaded the latest installer and it is now works perfectly fine with built in Document Service. Thanks for the work.

I’m re-using this topic for another question if you don’t mind.

I need some further information about LDAP integration. I have OU and Group hierarchy as below,

  • OU 1

    • Security Group 1 (contain User 3 from OU 2)
    • User 1
    • User 2
  • OU2

    • User 3
    • User 4

To tighten the user access, in LDAP configuration I only set user DN to OU 1 and Group DN within OU 1. But the Security Group and User 3 does not sync to the system. Is this how the behavior works?

Thank you

Please make a separate thread for this issue.

I’m facing a similar issue, with a brand new installation of OnlyOffice Workspace.

Where do i find the Secret Key in my (1-click DigitalOcean) installation?

I need it to configure the OnlyOffice-Mattermost plugin.