Word processor - when not visible, table pasting option dialog is not active

New bug in 8.0.
The file:
bug with table pasting options depending on zoom level.docx (24.7 KB)

the video:

The scenario:

  • I have a table with several colums
  • I want to embed it in another table
  • I copy it
  • then I paste it in the target cell of the other table.

When the zoom level is low and allows to display the "table pasting option dialogue " (or whatever the name of it), I can do CTRL then N to embed the copied table.
However, when the zoom level is high and the table pasting option dialogue is not visible, then, CTRL + N is not working :frowning:

PS : What I call “table pasting option dialogue” is this:

Thanks for studying this case.

Hey @arcqus :handshake:

Thank you for the video and the file! :blush:

We are checking the situation.
I will let you know when I get something.

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We have reproduced the issue you described and have created a bug report.

@arcqus, thank you for contributing to our product. We really appreciate it! :hugs:

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