Word processor - bullet list acting weird


Here is what I have:
Dashes don’t have the same size as they should.
Indeed, font properties are the same for all the paragraph.

in this doc:
MHF - P4-S6 - Atelier 1 CM1.docx (33.0 KB)

Note that the initial situation (ie: non homogenous bullet list) is not a wish but the result of this weird behaviour.

Thanks for your analysis.

Hello @arcqus
Thank you for the file and detailed description!
We are checking the situation.

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Hello @arcqus

Note that the initial situation (ie: non homogenous bullet list) is not a wish but the result of this weird behaviour.

Could you please clarify how exactly you achieved different bullets in this file?

Hello @arcqus
We have reproduced the issue from your video file and we have added a bug to internal track system. I will update this thread when we release a fix for it.
However, it is unclear how exactly you achieved different bullets in the original file. We need the exact scenario to check it out.

Hello Alexandre,

I don’t know exactly the history of this file as I’m creating files reusing former ones.
However, what I can tell you is that I don’t do extraordinary thing with my files. Just copy/past from the web/ pdfs/other docs.

To me the real point here is why OO is acting inconsistently in this list (or in the other styling issues that I faced). I don’t know if it is possible but some “style-cleaning” process could help ? Anyway, I’m out of my competence-zone so I zip my lips and let you work :slight_smile:

Thank you!
We will notify you when we have something to share.

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