Updating containers?

Hi All,

What’s the best/safest way to update my containers?

I lost the ability to backup my Portal as I did encrypt it and cannot decrypt it. Therefore I would like to update the containers with minimum risk.

Can I do it through Portainer (stopping the contaners, deleting and recreating)? Or any command line?

I did install last time using this cli: “bash install.sh -it WORKSPACE -md “escritorio.brunoleonadvogado.com” -cp 8080 -mk machinekey -u true” - should I run it again now?

Bruno Leon

Hello Bruno,

Please first provide output of the following command:

docker exec -it onlyoffice-mysql-server mysql -uroot -pmy-secret-pw -D onlyoffice
select * from tenants_quota \G

We will try to restore the ability to backup

Hi DmitriiV,

Please find the outputs, bellow:

Bruno Leon

Hello Bruno,
Which command’s output is it? Please run the following command instead:

docker exec -it onlyoffice-mysql-server mysql -uroot -pmy-secret-pw -D onlyoffice
select * from tenants_quota \G

and send its output to us.

Hi @Dmitriy,

Here it goes:

Thank you,
Bruno Leon

Any news @Dimitriy?

Is that what you need?

Bruno Leon

Hello Bruno,
Please provide a screenshot of the command which you run to get this output. It still seems to be something else

Sure @DmitriiV ,

I am running your command as root at the ubuntu-server:

docker exec -it onlyoffice-mysql-server mysql -uroot -pmy-secret-pw -D onlyoffice
select * from tenants_quota \G

Everytime, I do get the following screens:

That’s all I get mate, any ideas?

Bruno Leon

Hello Bruno,
You need to run two commands one by one. First, please run docker exec -it onlyoffice-mysql-server mysql -uroot -pmy-secret-pw -D onlyoffice
in order to connect to mysql database. After that run
select * from tenants_quota \G command

Hi @DmitriiV,

Here it goes:

Please let me know how to proceed. FYI, I did try to decrypt my storage yesterday, but it got stuck at 92% and then failed.

Bruno Leon

Hello Bruno,
Please run the following command: delete from tenants_quota where tenant=1;

After that you’d need to restart monoserve in Community Server, for that run command
docker exec -it onlyoffice-community-server systemctl restart monoserve

After doing so try to backup your portal once again.
Finally, you can update using the following command:
bash workspace-install.sh -u true

Hi @DmitriiV, I did do as per your request:

But when I try to backup…

I get either a “timeout error” (if I choose Third-Party Storage) or it does get stuck on 1% (if I chose Computer file or Documents module).

Regarding the updates, it did work from the command line:

In order to summarize, I got the Portal updated, however I still can’t backup or decrypt my local storage. And before you ask me, please find below the results of the command “select * from tenants_quota \G”.

Bruno Leon

Hello Bruno,
Please provide Control Panel logs (/var/log/onlyoffice inside Control Panel container)

Here it is @DmitriiV,


I look forward to hearing from you.

Bruno Leon

Hello Bruno,
Please also provide svcBackup.log and web.api logs, they can be found here: /var/log/onlyoffice/ inside Community Server container.
Also, please make sure that there is enough free space on the hard drive for backup

Hi @DmitriiV,

Here it is:


Bruno Leon

Hello, unfortunately, the link you provided cannot be accessed, there is a message that the access is restricted.

Sorry @DmitriiV, can you please try this one?

Thank you,
Bruno Leon

Hello Bruno,
Please provide the following:

  1. onlyofficeStorageEncryption service’s status: docker exec -it onlyoffice-community-server service onlyofficeStorageEncryption status
  2. Extended Community Server logs after trying to backup (reproducing the problem) again.
    To enable extended logs open TeamLabSvc.exe.config (/var/www/onlyoffice/Services/TeamLabSvc/ inside Community Server container), find the following section:
<logger name="ASC.SQL" minlevel="Warn" writeTo="" final="true" />
<logger name="ASC*" minlevel="Warn" writeTo="web,Console" />

And rewrite it so it looks like this:

<logger name="ASC.SQL" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="sql" final="true" />
<logger name="ASC*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="web,Console" />

After that you’d need to restart monoserve in Community Server, for that run
docker exec -it onlyoffice-community-server systemctl restart monoserve command
3. Did you try to decrypt? What errors did you face?

Hi @DmitriiV , here it goes:

1. onlyofficeStorageEncryption service’s status:

3. Did you try to decrypt? What errors did you face?

The process does start and send e-mails to everyone, but it does get stuck at 90% and then returns to an error. After that it does show the following screen:

I will get the 2. done asap, and post it here.

Bruno Leon