Unexpected line return


I have a simple document with text & pictures:

I create a new paragraph by copy/pasting the previous one.

Here is the thing I don’t understand:

For the last paragraph I’ve created, when I delete the picture, I’m expecting the last word of the title to move back up with the beginning of the title . However, it is staying on the next line, as if there was a line return or a right margin set to the middle of the document or whatever.

Is it a bug or is there something I don’t get ?


The doc:
leçons calcul mental.docx (57.6 KB)

Hello @arcqus

This is expected behavior as these images are anchored to specific area and they are set up as Square wrapping style. Here is small demo on how it can be fixed:

Hi @Constantine
Thanks for this answer.
However, my point is not when the picture is here, but when it is deleted.
You can see in my recording that the end of the title is still on the next line, whereas - in my opinion - it should come back on the first line.

No, it should not. Since wrapping style Square is applied to all images, it generally creates an area around the image where text cannot be positioned. The same behavior occurs in every other processor.

Main object here is not the image that you are removing, but the one above it. This image has a “box” around it, this “box” defines the space where text cannot be positioned and the heading next to the last image falls into this “box”, hence it does not switch. If you change the wrapping style in the same way as in the video I’ve shown, then you will get similar result even when deleting the last image.

Indeed !
I did not expected this picture to have an impact on the text bellow.

I understand the way the “square” wrapping style works, but what I don’t get is the way the “distance” parameter works. Right now it is set to 0.32cm, so to me, it should “push away” text only if the distance is less than this.
In the case of my file, there is around 2cm:

It is the same surprising behaviour that I noticed in a previous thread.

Moreover, if you open the file with LO, the picture above does not impact the title bellow:

So I still think here OO handles things in a less relevant way than LO (clearly, I don’t get the logic of OO :frowning: ).

Thanks for additional information. Unfortunately, LibreOffice has many non-standard functionality in the industry and it is quite pointless to compare such features with it.

I believe that this situation happens due to the fact that the image is anchored to the whole section, i.e. to the Heading part. This makes image to occupy the whole or at least most of the space to the next section/heading.