There are discrepancies between the display on the web and the original file

The source file screenshot looks like this.

The source file has a total of 7 pages, but OnlyOffice displays 8 pages. Additionally, when converted to PDF, it also shows 8 pages.

In OnlyOffice Web, the display looks like this.

How should I resolve this issue?

北油电控PLM项目-包装BOM管理及毛坯图管理v1.0.docx (1.3 MB)

this is the source file

Hello @zhangjq117

Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to reproduce the issue with increasing amount of pages. May I ask you to provide version of used Document Server?

I use the latest tag.

docker pull onlyoffice/documentserver:latest

Please execute this command and share the output:

docker exec -it <ID> apt list --installed | grep onlyoffice

Where <ID> is the ID of container with Document Server.

onlyoffice-documentserver/now 7.5.1-23 arm64 [installed,local]

How should I solve this problem? Thank you very much.

I believe the issue appears because several fonts are missing on Document Server side.
You can manually add your fonts to Document Server according to this guide and then compare the way document is displayed again:

thank you very much.I added the font library, but there are still some differences compared to the source file。

the picture display in next page

Did you reset browser cache after adding fonts to Document Server?

yes I did .

May I know what is the app you are using for “original” reference screenshots?
Additionally, I’d ask you to reupload the document to your storage with slightly different name to check it out again.

I open the file with office 365. Is OnlyOffice fully compatible with Windows Office?
Thank you very much

May I know which fonts did you add?

This is the download link.

As I can see, two fonts that are used in original document are not in the mentioned repository.
Please double check the fonts that you’ve installed and the ones that are used in documents and compare them.