Please help me by reviewing the following case, I need to delete userA but I must assign the documents uploaded by userA to userB, when performing this action, “user deleted” remains in the files and it is not assigned to userB
Hello @NathalySuarez_25
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to reproduce the issue.
After clicking Reassign button you will see page with next message:
After the process of reassignment is completed you will see the new owner of the file in the module.
When you click on reassign, you are not assigning the data to the selected profile, it only creates a folder as I show below:
and the documents and subfolders appear at zero
Please provide us the version of Community Server.
A newer version of Community Server is available, please update your current instance and check the situation again.
NB! Before updating it is recommended to make a snapshot/backup of whole server.
I have the exact same problem here.
To provide you more infos,
I’m running on Community Server (up to date i think)
When reassigning docs from user A to user B :
- The folder "documents of user A " is created into my documents
- This folder contains only documents or folders which where previously shared with B
- Newly created documents with no share does not reassign (i tried with a all format)
- A mail is sent to me (i’m the portal owner), saying “Fellow $ UserName”
Hope you can provide some solutions to this,
Have a nice day !
Hello @GabrielHuyard
Please take a look at the topic Reassigning data when deleting profiles from our Help Center:
After you reassign data and delete a user, the following contents will be transferred/kept:
Documents module
- Personal documents that are available to other portal users will be transferred to the My documents section of the selected active user where a new folder will be created with the name like ‘Documents of user Merelin Linsdom’. All the access rights provided to other portal users remain unchanged;
- The ownership for the documents created by the disabled user in the Common section will be reassigned to the selected user;
In general, this is expected behavior, all personal non-shared data will be removed after deleting a user.
Hello @Constantine
I have a better understanding now ,
So i guess it works as intended, but may I ask one more question ?
It’s about good pratice regarding account management,
Let’s say that a employee (A) leaves my company and is being replace later by another person few months later (B)
To make sure that no data is lost we have (in my mind) only 2 options :
- Changing mail/firstname/lastname to make sure that B gets full access to A data (even the data not shared).
- Create a “temp” account, make person A sharing all his/her files to him then, reassign data.
My goal here is to maintain work in progress (even if not shared) and prevent some wild data loss while reassigning.
I guess that the first option is “easier”.
It depends on how your document workflow is organized.
For example, to avoid problems with personal documents, your users can work with documents that are located in subfolders in Common section of Documents module, these subfolders can be configured with access rights for specific users. Files in the Common section can be reassigned to another person when a user leaves the company and your workflow won’t be interrupted. That way you don’t need to change user profile or create a temp account, just leave an account in Disabled status until you find a new employee and then reassign the documents.
Thanks for your answer
I’ve tried to set this kind of workflow,
It’s easier to manage access right with folders/subfolders and their automated “legacy”,
at least i’ve a “proper” way to handle thoses tricky situations now.
Have a nice day
Glad to hear that the information was useful for you.