Is there a way to update the document template settings? I wanted to change the default font for the Normal style but cannot see how / where to save the template so that the next time I start a document it shows my preferred font.
Thank you for the quick response. It’s not a deal breaker but other products already do this so I couldn’t believe only office didn’t. I even tried going “under the hood” to see which file was being used to generate a blank one but unfortunately my technical skills are not quite there!
Default templates are stored in
The English-United States would be:
To alter your default Documents template for English-United States:
→ open a blank document. Alter/add/remove what you
want. “Save As” a “Document template (*.dotx)”.
--> as root, in
rename "new.docx" to "new.docx.orig"
--> as root, copy the template you just created to
and rename it "new.docx".
--> since each new update will over write you, create
a copy of your template to restore it after an update:
cp new.docx