Talk about some criticisms and shortcomings of Word documents

About Word

  1. I hope that when multiple people are writing, I can quickly jump to the location of other editing objects, which can help me quickly understand what part of the content others are editing.

  2. I hope that when viewing the revision history, I can still see the outline table of contents, which can help me quickly locate the content.

About Excel

  1. When scrolling, I hope that the scrolling cells are not fixed and allow for half a cell to appear in view. This way, when scrolling, I can smoothly connect with the content of the previous cell without interrupting my understanding.

Hi @touma :wave:

I want to note that your suggestions are indeed interesting.

We have registered proposals for two out of three of your suggestions:

Document Editor:
1. Implement the ability to quickly jump to the cursor or cell of users in co-editing mode.
Smooth scrolling

Spreadsheet Editor:
3. Decrease the scroll step when scrolling through the table.

Please provide more details on the second suggestion for better understanding of the concept behind your proposal.
If possible, provide examples of the issue you encountered.


When I open the history record, the left window is for switching between different history records. However, when I view the document content of the history, I am unable to expand the title list

As a result, I am unable to quickly locate the content position by clicking on the title.

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I got your idea! :handshake:

Passed it on to our team. I’ll keep you updated.

@touma :handshake:

We have added your suggestion. :fire:
(Add the ability to view the table of contents when using the version history)

Unfortunately, at the moment, I cannot provide exact timelines for implementing this feature.

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