I use a spreadsheet to allow users to easily input some data then generate html code.
To do so, I use the CONCAT formula.
In may (with 8.0), it was working fine.
Now with 8.1,
- I open the file I save with 8.0
- I go to a cell with the CONCAT formula and I just enter/exit the cell to refresh its value : I get a “#value” error
- if I reduce the number of concatenated cells (hence the size of the generated text), it works again.
So I guess a limitation or bug has been introduced in 8.1.
Using the nbcar function, I detect a limitation around 32k characters.
I don’t get that kind of error in LO.
Can you confirm ?
Is it possible to remove this new limitation ? Thanks !
The file:
Générateur de menus en anglais v1.1 - Période 5.xlsx (250.4 KB)