Pictures display

OS version: Windows 10
onlyoffice docs version: 7.1.1
When I opened the word document with the onlyoffice,
the pictures displayed vertically turned out to be displayed horizontally

Hello @Apophy

Please note that newer versions of Desktop Editors is available. I’d kindly as you to update your app and check the situation again.

If problem persists after the update, please share a document in which images are getting rotated for analysis.

Hello,I have already tried it with the new version online, The problem still exists.
Here is my test document below. Please pay attention to the left pictures.

PS: when I upload the document, I got the message:

Please let me know how can I share the document with you .

I’ve increased your trust-level, you can attach single file now. If there are any limitations, please upload it to any cloud storage and share a link.

ZL-ZX-036.docx (30.6 KB)

Hello @Constantine

Thank you !

This is the document I mentioned above, please notice the left pictures when opening it with ONLYOFFICE.

And sorry for not replying to your email until now.

Thank you. We will closer look at this file. Keeping you posted about results.

We have registered a bug on this file. Thank you for reporting it.