Picture wrapping options - Bug ? Suggestion?


I’m a bit surprised by the this picture setting option (1)

Indeed, I’m expecting the text to wrap tux.
Otherwise, I don’t see the difference with option 2.
But it is maybe related to my file/picture.

In LO, I get the same result, but at least they have an outline editor:

So, questions:

  1. is it possible to improve the option 1 to wrap the picture by detecting transparent zones.
  2. otherwise, is it possible to add an outline editor ?


File :
Documentaire Premiers ordinateurs julien.docx (580.3 KB)

Hello @arcqus

This functionality is already implemented. Please see the description of Through wrapping style of this guide:

  • Through - the text wraps around the image edges and fills in the open white space within the image. So that the effect can appear, use the Edit Wrap Boundary option from the right-click menu.

You can edit the borders or add new points to them from context menu. To add new points simply click a red line in any position to create a new one. Here is a little demo for reference: