Paste without formatting in document editor

Dear OO gurus,

Right now I’m processing a document and miss a feature from MS Word “paste text only without formatting…”. Does the desktop editor supply this feature in Doc editor, or it’s available in spreadsheet editor only?
In my opinion this option is a very important one and should be available in any editor in 2023 to be competitive feature rich one.

OS version: any (tried on Windows, Linux (mint, fedora and Arch))
App version: 7.3
Downloaded from: ONLYOFFICE website / Other (specify)

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Hello @rexnon

In document editor we have Paste Special feature implemented. Basically, when you have inserted a text with CTRL+C you can press CTRL one more time and then T to insert the text without formatting.
More about Paste Special you can find in next article of out Help Center: