OnlyOffice Disconnects from NC27

Recently updated NextCloud to v27.1.2 and ever since OnlyOffice Document Server will randomly disconnect. I can get it to connect again by going into the OnlyOffice app settings in Nextcloud and simply clicking Save. This lasts for about a day and then breaks again.

Anyone else having issues with NC27 and OO?

Hello @jp57

There was an issue with background check that caused disconnection. In version 8.2.2 this was fixed. Please update your connector app to the actual version and check the situation again.

Dear support team,

I’m facing the same issue as jp57, though using Onlyoffice app V8.2.4.

The issue popped up first time about 2 weeks ago after updating to NC27.1.5.

Prior to that I was using Onlyoffice without any issue. Onlyoffice itself (eg. ) works k´like a charm.

Any Idea what’s wrong? In docker I find occasionally log warnings like this:


Blockquote [2023-12-27T11:13:13.388] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - io.connection_error code=3, message=Bad request

Thanks for your support and happy new year to you guys

Hello @derfuchs98

If you are still experiencing issues with background check, you can disable it by adding this array to the config.php (located in ../config of your main app directory) of your Nextcloud:

'onlyoffice' => array (
     'editors_check_interval' => 0

Dear Constantine,

many thanks for your advice. After one week I haven’t encountered any further issues. So can happily close the request.

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