Nested bullet point list formatting when copy/pasting is not ok

Hi, this topic is related to this one but no solution was provided so i decided to reopen a new one : Nested bullet point list formatting when copy/pasting into other apps or saving as HTML

When we copy/paste some text from/into other apps (in my case, a webapp which provide HTML), nested bullet points format is not ok.

Indeed, the bullet points in my web app are multi-level.
Capture d’écran du 2024-09-02 11-19-33

But if we paste this in OnlyOffice, we got one-level bullet points.

As the first ticket says, the problem exist in both directions , copy/paste into and copy/paste from.

Is there anything we can do to improve copy/paste compatibility between OnlyOffice docs and other applications?

Tested with :
Ubuntu 20.04 / Windows 11
OnlyOffice Desktop Editors v8.1.1.27
Chrome v128.0.6613.84 / Firefox 129.0.2

Thank you !

and here is the result in OnlyOffice
Capture d’écran du 2024-09-02 11-20-59

Hello @flofloow

A bug was found in that thread. We are still working on it. Right now we need to figure out if your case is related to the same issue or it has its own scenario. Could you please specify what app are you using? If it’s possible, please record a video file.

Hello, thank you for the response.

Unfornately, the web app is a private application so you can’t have any access on it.

But the situation is quite simple, it’s a webapp which return some HTML content. And the list is a

    tag with
  • that contains other
      and others
    • .

      It result as a nested bullet points list. We use javascript Clipboard API to copy content.

      And then when we paste the content in OnlyOffice, the nested style is not preserved.

      For information, nested bullet points are keeped when paste into other editors (Word, Rich Text Editors as CKEditor for example)

And the list is a ul tag
with li tags that contains other ul tag
and others li tags .

Hey @flofloow :vulcan_salute:

Thank you for providing the additional details. From what you’ve described, it seems like your issue closely aligns with the topic of Nested bullet point list formatting when copy/pasting into other apps or saving as HTML.

We will need some time to verify that the issue you’re experiencing is indeed related to that topic. Once we have confirmed this, we’ll update the topic. :saluting_face:

Got it! :handshake:

We’ve noted the issue.
If anyone else runs into the same problem, don’t hesitate to drop a comment here - it’ll help us see how many people are interested in getting this fixed!

We are also encountering said issue.

We have a drag and drop functionality and on drop event we add html to the document editor.
When we have a nested list (let’s say a ol list with a ul listed) the numbered list is like this:
Screenshot 2024-11-18 at 17.43.32

Hey @LaurensSequesto :handshake:

We have added your message to the existing issue. Thank you for bringing this problem to our attention!
As soon as the issue is resolved, I will definitely update you in this post.

Thanks for addressing this.
I have encountered a similar problem on files imported from LibreOffice. Many of the nested lists are aligned along the left margin. I appreciate your efforts.

Could you share the document where this issue occurs?

We already have a bug logged for the problem, but having your specific document would allow us to test and verify the fix accurately once implemented. Thank you!