Macro - more exemples and clearer documentation between Macro & Document builder


I’m trying to use a little more macros in OO.
I assume macros in office suites are less important as it was around 2000 when I learnt MSO macros.
However, they can help a lot and it would be nice if some effort could be made in OO to make their use easier.

Hence, 4 suggestions:

  • add a macro recorder, as already requested,
  • add the possibility of a step by step execution to allow a real debugging experience (which is crappy for now),
  • give more examples on macro use (how to get data from a sheet other than the current one, how to copy/paste data…)
  • in the online documentation, clarify which function are for the Document Builder and which one are also for macro.

Regarding the last point, first, I have a question : why limiting the power of the macros ? Why not allowing the same functions in the macros than in the Document Builder ?

Second, what is not clear for me is not clear for chatGPT either.
I tried to use it to generate a macro.
ChatGPT has difficulties not using functions available only for Document Builder.

To conclude, I assume their is room for a general improvement :slight_smile:

Thanks for your attention.

Hey @arcqus :wave:
Thank you for your feedback!

  1. We already have proposals for your first two suggestions. Unfortunately, we don’t have an implementation timeline yet, but I will notify you as soon as we have any updates.
  1. If you have more suggestions for macro examples or your own written macros to add, we would be happy to consider them! I’ve shared your idea with our team.
  1. I’m not quite sure what you mean by this point. Could you please provide a more detailed example of the issue? We have a dedicated section: Getting started with macros and Writing your own macros.