I’m trying to use a little more macros in OO.
I assume macros in office suites are less important as it was around 2000 when I learnt MSO macros.
However, they can help a lot and it would be nice if some effort could be made in OO to make their use easier.
Hence, 4 suggestions:
- add a macro recorder, as already requested,
- add the possibility of a step by step execution to allow a real debugging experience (which is crappy for now),
- give more examples on macro use (how to get data from a sheet other than the current one, how to copy/paste data…)
- in the online documentation, clarify which function are for the Document Builder and which one are also for macro.
Regarding the last point, first, I have a question : why limiting the power of the macros ? Why not allowing the same functions in the macros than in the Document Builder ?
Second, what is not clear for me is not clear for chatGPT either.
I tried to use it to generate a macro.
ChatGPT has difficulties not using functions available only for Document Builder.
To conclude, I assume their is room for a general improvement
Thanks for your attention.