Linux Mint - Printing bug - paper orientation is not respected


Using linux mint for a week, I face a bug which I don’t face with LO.
Page format is not taken into account when printing.

Here is a test document (but it is the case with any doc in landscape) :
MHF - P3-S3 - Atelier 3 CM1.docx (30.7 KB)

Open it and try to print page 6.
The landscape orientation is not taken into account:

Hello @arcqus

I was not able to find info on the installation type of Desktop Editor on your new OS. Could you please elaborate on this? Is it package installation or, for instance, snap?

New OS : linux mint 22.1 (last version)
Package : flatpack (from the software center of the distro.

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Thanks. May I ask you to also specify type of the printer you are using and driver version for this printer?

My printer is a canon LBP6030 (old but robust laser printer).
The drivers are from canon’s website:

Since you’ve reinstalled the app with deb package - does it also produce this behavior with printing?

Yes unfortunately.

Otherwise, a small remark regarding the .deb setup.
Am I wrong to say that with this kind of setup, dialog boxes are not managed the same and are considered as a new window, not as “the same”:

(I’m not 100% sure of what I say here)

Window manager works differently with package installed apps, so this is expected.

As for the printing: does it happen with this particular file or with any file with landscape page layout?

IMHO it is less user friendly so I might switch back to the package once the other issues are a little clarified.

As mentioned in the first message, this happens with any file. I started this thread with the file I encountered the issue with, then I tried with a random file and got the problem so I added the comment btw brackets.

Thanks for the info. May I also ask you to try printing it into a PDF file? Will it also have portrait layout in resulting PDF?

Just tried.
PDF : OK, landscape layout for a landscape file.
Printer : KO, portray instead of landscape.

Have you updated Desktop Editors to version 8.3 yet? If not, please update and let me know if the same situation occurs.

Still the same with 8.3.

Thank you. We are running some checks on reported behavior. I’ll let you know once any news come up.

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I’d like to inform you that we’ve registered a bug to review this case closely.

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I am also seeing the same issue. Using Linux Mint 22.1 with OnlyOffice 18.3.1. Print to PDF works in landscape but printing to any of my printers in landscape is not working.

I am using the deb packages.

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I have the same problem as @arcqus . Images print the same way when I print in landscape mode.

It’s not the only app that has this problem. Okular, for example, also has the same problem.

Some information about my system:

  • OS: Manjaro Linux
  • Version OnlyOffice: OnlyOffice
  • Kernel: 6.6.80-1
  • Graphics platform: Wayland
  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900x
  • RAM: 64 GB DDR4
  • GPU: NVIDIA RTX 3080 Ti
  • All drivers and packages updated.

Looking for a solution, find out how to make it print correctly (although this solution is not at all useful and does not generate a good user experience).

Access the printing settings through system-config-printer, double click on my printer to see the properties, in the “Job options” there is an option that is “Orientation” which, by default, is on “auto rotate”. I select the appropriate option (landscape or portrait) and then when I open the document and print, it prints correctly.
If I select the landscape option, I cannot print in portrait (the same thing happens as with landscape).


  • It is not simple.
  • There are many steps to configure.
  • It is not very intuitive

I suspect that the problem is in how OnlyOffice makes the call to the printer. Some incorrect parameter, or something that is not being recognized by CUPS. In fact, if I configure landscape mode I cannot print in portrait mode and, if I configure portrait, I cannot print in landscape mode. The same thing happens to the @arcqus user, the sheet is rotated, cropped and centered.

With applications like EVINCE (GNOME document viewer) this doesn’t happen. In fact, there is an option that simply disables the “automatic rotation” (auto-rotate and center). Disabling this option prints all documents correctly (portrait and landscape). The same happens with LibreOffice, which also has options.

I hope it helps and can be fixed.

Hello @elloco206 and @mblack154
Thank you for the provided details, we have added them to internal tracksystem.
At the moment, we are working to resolve the situation. We will update this thread once we have something to share.