Here’s the new latest version updated
root@7fc2ca08d746:/# dpkg -l | grep onlyoffice
ii onlyoffice-documentserver 8.1.1-26 amd64 Online editors for text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations
and unfortunately,the issue still there
"mode": "view",
"canUseHistory": true,
"customization": {
"goback": {
"blank": false
"macros": false,
"autosave": true,
"comments": true,
"forcesave": true,
"zoom": -1,
"integrationMode": "embed",
"hideNotes": true,
"feedback": {
"visible": false
"features": {
"spellcheck": false
"help": false,
"review": {
"reviewDisplay": "final"
"hideRightMenu": true,
"anonymous": {
"request": false
"logo": {},
"customer": {},
"about": true
"plugins": {
"pluginsData": [],
"autostart": []
"callbackUrl": "https://*********/api/file/onlyOffice/save",
"canCoAuthoring": true,
"canHistoryClose": true,
"canHistoryRestore": false,
"canSendEmailAddresses": false,
"canRequestEditRights": true,
"canRequestClose": false,
"canRename": false,
"canMakeActionLink": false,
"canRequestUsers": false,
"canRequestSendNotify": false,
"canRequestSaveAs": false,
"canRequestInsertImage": false,
"canRequestMailMergeRecipients": false,
"canRequestCompareFile": false,
"canRequestSharingSettings": false,
"canRequestCreateNew": false,
"canRequestReferenceData": false,
"canRequestOpen": false,
"canRequestSelectDocument": false,
"canRequestSelectSpreadsheet": false,
"canRequestReferenceSource": false,
"canSaveDocumentToBinary": false,
"canStartFilling": false
As you can see blow record,after I have refresh page,I didn’t do anything,the page was jump and focus the editor automatically