Integrare only office nel gestionale

vorrei integrare only office nel mio gestionale. Ma se creo un file .doc e cerco di stamparlo dal mio gestionale windows mi risponde che non esiste un app cghe legga quei file anche se ho inserito che i file .doc debbono essere letti da only office.
Vorrei consigli ed aiuto.
utilizzo per la lettera del file (esempio classico prova.doc) la funzione shellexecute.

Hello @Francesco.daquila
Please note that official language of this forum is English. Please re-write your message and provide us with details (installtion guide and issue scenario step-by-step).

I would like to integrate only office into my management system. But if I create a .doc file and try to print it from my windows management system I get the response that there is no app that reads those files even though I have entered that .doc files must be read by only office.
I would like some advice and help.
I use the shellexecute function to read the file (classic example test.doc).

Hello @Francesco.daquila
As far as I see, you created a separate topic with same question. Please do not post same situation to different topics. Please continue the communication in the other topic: Integrare only office nel gestionale due