Imap folders sync

I am using onlyoffice workspace for windows latest version, in mail aggregator , I am facing a issue as only inbox and sent folders are synced all other folders are not shown and synced in mail aggrregator, pls suggest the way to sync all folders from imap server (third party).

Second issue is when I read a mail in mail aggregator or delete it , it does not reflect the same action on the imap server (third party), its very annoying as when I sync mail on mobile client or on outlook , I have do read , delete take the action again, pls suggest realtime sync between imap server and mail aggregator


Hello @pioneer

Second issue is when I read a mail in mail aggregator or delete it , it does not reflect the same action on the imap server (third party),

This is expected behavior since you are using third-party Mail server. This way, the portal just downloaded letters from your Mail server.

I am facing a issue as only inbox and sent folders are synced all other folders are not shown and synced in mail aggrregator

Thereā€™s no full IMAP sync. The mentioned folders arenā€™t synced, but just downloaded letters from your third-party server: ONLYOFFICE Mail. How it works - ONLYOFFICE.
However, custom folders should be synced. Could you please record a video file with this scenario? Also, just for a test, please try to create a custom folder on the portal with the same name as on your third-party server.

Thanks I got it , now I have shifted my domain service on onlyoffice mailserver, it sync normal folder like inbox, sent, trash etc. immediately asdesired if configured in any client like outlook etc, but custom folders are yet not synced , if at all they sync somehow by luck , timeline is very erratic.

Do you suggest we should drop idea ofcustom folders if imap account is used from onlyoffice mail server too.


Sorry for the late reply.

Do you suggest we should drop idea ofcustom folders if imap account is used from onlyoffice mail server too.

No, it should work in case of custom folders creation on the portal side. This way they will be synced.
I believe we have to take a closer look at your case to figure out the exact issue. If itā€™s possible, please record a video file while you are reproducing the situation, step-by-step.

no its not happening pls see attached outlook and portal screenshot

its a direct account on onlyoffice mailserver

Pls advice

Tried on thunderbird too, same issue no folder sync other than standard

It seems really strange. Would you mind running a test? Please try to create ā€˜testā€™ custom folder on the Outlook side (the folder with similar name as you created on the portal). After that check out the sync of this folder (for example, move a letter to this folder).
As for the issue itself, we need to take a look at Community server and Mail server logs folders from your portal. Please provide us with them. They are located here:
CS (for Windows): Program Files (x86)\Ascensio System SIA\CommunityServer\Logs
Mail server (docker installation): /app/onlyoffice/MailServer/logs

Update: no logs are required. We have reproduced the issue on our side and added a bug to internal tracker. We have started working on it.
Thank you for pointing us to this situation!
The workaround solution at the moment is creating the folder with similar name on the client side (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.)

Hi Alexandre

Glad I can help, pls let us know when it is resolved as we have given demo to clients, but this issue is creating issue, I will suggest to resolve it on the expedited basis, as mail is the most important part of the solution.


Hello @pioneer
We are working on it already. Unfortunately, I cannot provide you with ETA at the moment. However I will update this thread when we have something to share.
P.S. If you have a license, itā€™s better to contact us via Zendesk to get prompt replies.

Hi Alexandre,

We are using community version right now, but looking forward for enterprise license, but mail issue is holding us back, as lot of our users have imap folders and they want to sync. without that our working become complicated. Pls let us know how soon it can be rectified.

Suggestion : you can use integration with many other mail server like mailcow and other which would proide you sync facility.


Hello @pioneer
Unfortunately, thereā€™s no ETA at the moment, but we have already started our work. I will update this thread when we have something to share.
If you want to speed up the situation, perhaps you should contact colleagues of mine to discuss it. Thereā€™s a post about this possibility: Get dedicated support

Hi any progress on this issue

Hello @pioneer
The work is still in progress. I will update this thread when we have something to share.

Hello @Alexandre ,
Any update on this regard?
I am testing latest Docker-CommunityServer version (which seems to have been last updated 3 months ago)
For a test, I imported only one (though large ~14GB) mbox from Google Workspace export (takeout) using this GitHub - rgladwell/imap-upload: Python script for uploading a local mbox file to IMAP4 server.
like this: --password=mypassword --host=localhost --port=143 --error='All mail Including Spam and Trash_errors.mbox' --google-takeout --folder-separator='/' --google-takeout-first-label 'All mail Including Spam and Trash.mbox'

results was very successful: Done. (OK: 10723, WARNING: 0, ERROR: 0) (10723 mails all successfully imported) and resulting in added 14GB of mail in /app/onlyoffice/MailServer/data/vmail1/
Then, I manually added the following to the ā€œsubscriptionsā€ file inside the user Maildir, so that these newly created folders appear in the mailaggregator web app

Category Forums
Category Personal
Category Promotions
Category Updates

They do appear in mailaggregator, but the sync is so so so slow, taking many hours to sync a mere 10k messages.

I went to sleep and woke up the next morning, and still the ā€œOpenedā€ folder still shows empty in mailaggregatorā€¦ but most of the messages in it appear in inbox with the ā€œOpenedā€ tag. Also the Category* labels/tags appearing on respective messages in Inbox.
and comparing:
du -sh /app/onlyoffice/MailServer/data/vmail1/ = 14GB
du -sh /app/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/data/addons/mail/Data/aggregator = 11GB

There seems to be a discrepancy in sizeā€¦
There seems no way to see total message count per folder in MailAggregator webmail app. Only unread count is shown. The pagination function in each folder does not say how many pages of x messages (25/50/75/100) :frowning:

Moreover, I am disappointed about this duplication of data on the server between the actual MailServer (dovecot) and MailAggregator. Imagine tens of email accounts/mailboxes each in tens of GB, all being copied/duplicated in MailAggregator.

IMHO: An actual IMAP implementation is much needed, or at least a way for users to opt-out of using mail aggregator and option to use third-party webmail solutions such as roundcube and/or horde IMP, etc.

Hello @Tamer
Thereā€™s no news on the situations described by the topic starter in this thread at the moment. We are still working on them. As for situations you mentioned, we will check them out and update this thread as soon as possible.

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We were looking for solution, we have discarded the onlyoffice from primary office suite because of imap issue, we will take up again when this issue is resolved as imap folder sync critical to our users.


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Hello @Tamer

Please clarify if the situation has changed and the folder sizes match now.
Additionally, please provide us with general information about your server (CPU, RAM).

root@cloud ~ # du -sh /app/onlyoffice/MailServer/data/vmail1/
14G /app/onlyoffice/MailServer/data/vmail1/
root@cloud ~ # du -sh /app/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/data/addons/mail/Data/aggregator
11G /app/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/data/addons/mail/Data/aggregator
root@cloud ~ # free -m
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 64087 10336 1265 736 54092 53750
Swap: 32734 1017 31717
root@cloud ~ # head /proc/cpuinfo
processor : 0
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 158
model name : Intel(R) Coreā„¢ i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz
stepping : 9
microcode : 0xf8
cpu MHz : 900.439
cache size : 8192 KB
physical id : 0
root@cloud ~ #

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Iā€™ll join this thread, if you donā€™t mind. :slight_smile:
Thanks for the information.

We need some time to test this. As soon as we have updates or need any data from you, Iā€™ll let you know.

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