Imap folders sync

Thanks Nikolas. Looking forward to your response. And more than glad to help with any information or testing too, as needed.

Hello @Tamer
Please provide us with additional information about your usage scenario of imap-upload app:

  • - is this a mailbox added to our mail server on the Mail Server tab?
  • have you used --ssl flag?
  • for --host=localhost > did you specify it as localhost or did you specify the domain name?

If it’s possible, please provide us with the exact command that you used (just hide your login and password).

Hello @Alexandre

  1. Yes, is a mailbox added to OnlyOffice mail server.

  2. with --ssl flag, failed to connect properly. So what I did, inside the onlyoffice-mail-server container, I edited /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf as follows:

# Allow plain text password per IP address/net
remote {
   disable_plaintext_auth = no

and restarted dovecot (or the onlyoffice-mail-server container), of course.

  1. for --host flag, I specified it as localhost only. Exactly as I wrote the command in first reply in this thread. Note that in the change I made above to dovecot.conf, I specified the class B network of the docker compose network (onlyoffice network).

The images and versions used are (or were) the latest as of the time of original posting:

image: onlyoffice/communityserver:

Thank you, we are looking into it.

Hello @Tamer
We have run a few tests and so far all things are OK. Could you please clarify at which step you faced an issue with with synchronization, and what the current status of this process is? Did it sync after all?

Hi @Alexandre
I am not sure I understand your question about “which step”? Synchronization happens automatically… And I already posted weeks after the initial report and it was at the same.

Dear @Tamer
Sorry for the length of the situation. We are still working on this scenario. I will update this thread once we have something to share.

My suggestion is to use other open source mail server like mailcow , it will sort the issue out and its rock solid with almost all the facilities and available on docker

Dear @pioneer
I understand your concerns and I assure you that we will resolve mentioned situations as soon as possible. We will keep this thread updated and immediately contact you when we have something to share.