How to remove css/js cache after file is changed?

everytime i change something on css/js file in documentserver i’ve to clear browser cache or open in incognito which is not proper in case of client. is there any way to solve this??

i run “supervisorctl restart all” everytime after i made changes but still its not clearing the cache.

Hello @anand.mainali,
We would need more info. What changes do you mean in particular? What css/js file?

@DmitriiV like if i add custom plugin and update the js code… it doesn’t reflect on restart and has to open on incognito or clear browser cache.

The plugin should be loaded not from the sdkjs-plugins folder on the server, but via a URL, please refer to the following guide:
In this case nothing will be fetched from the cache, it will be loaded anew each time.
You can generate a new url after making changes, for example, by specifying the version of your plugin in the url

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@DmitriiV what about if i want to add some css to fix some design issue in default css file?? like:


Please clarify what do you mean to add? (for example)

For example this issue and we want to hide file menu and other smaller things. we’ve done this already by overriding the css but it doesn’t reflect on users browser and had to open in incognito.

Can you suggest any solution for this cache issue??

We strongly disapprove of interference with the source files in such a way. Also, we do not provide support for such cases of source files editing. The interface should be customized in a way described here: Customization

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