Error "The maximum file size is exceeded (1 GB)" during upload file


We are running onlyoffice on Linux Version 7.3.3. Build: 49.
The server use CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core).
We have problem during upload file (it’s a video file) larger 1GB.
The error show β€œThe maximum file size is exceeded (1GB)”.
while we upload file bellow 1GB we have no issues.

what we already try to do :

  1. Changing attachment size - ONLYOFFICE => no luck.
  2. The file size exceeds the limitation set for your server => no luck.

Kindly need your suggestion regarding this issue.
our objective are able to upload file more than 1GB.

thanks in advance

Hello @imelregistrasi :handshake:

  1. This pertains to the Talk module.
  1. This is related to opening documents using OnlyOffice Docs.

β†’ You need the following instruction: Changing the 100Mb file size limit


The current version of OnlyOffice Docs is version 7.5.1. :upside_down_face: