Editor update

Hello,After I updated the documentserver from the previous version to 8.0.1, when I opened the document for my Vue project, it was prompted that the editor had been updated and the page would be reloaded to apply the changes. After upgrading the version, do I need to make any modifications to my Vue project? The Vue component I used is “@ onlyoffice/document editor Vue”: “^ 1.3.0”. Do I also need to upgrade and update it.

Please first send us the following file: ds-docservice.conf
The path is /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/nginx/includes/ds-docservice.conf (for Docker inside the container)

When I want to upload the ds docservice. conf file, I am prompted that the current file format is not supported, and the prompt is as follows: “Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: jpg,…)”, jpeg, png, gif, heic, heif, webp, mp4, docx, xlsx, pptx, mkv, wmv, pdf, doc, xls, ppt, oform, docxf, docbuilder, odt, ods, lwp, csv, rtf).”, I will paste the contents of the file below:
#welcome page
rewrite ^/$ $the_scheme://$the_host$the_prefix/welcome/ redirect;

#script caching protection
rewrite ^(?/web-apps/apps/(?!api/).*)$ $the_scheme://$the_host$the_prefix/8.0.1-31$cache redirect;

#disable caching for api.js
location ~ ^(/[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+[.|-][\d]+)?/(web-apps/apps/api/documents/api.js)$ {
** expires -1;**
gzip_static on;
** alias /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/$2;**

#suppress logging the unsupported locale error in web-apps
location ~ ^(/[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+[.|-][\d]+)?/(web-apps)(/.*.json)$ {
** expires 365d;**
** error_log /dev/null crit;**
gzip_static on;
** alias /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/$2$3;**

#suppress logging the unsupported locale error in plugins
location ~ ^(/[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+[.|-][\d]+)?/(sdkjs-plugins)(/.*.json)$ {
** expires 365d;**
** error_log /dev/null crit;**
gzip_static on;
** alias /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/$2$3;**

location ~ ^(/[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+[.|-][\d]+)?/(web-apps|sdkjs|sdkjs-plugins|fonts)(/.*)$ {
** expires 365d;**
gzip_static on;
** alias /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/$2$3;**

location ~ ^(/cache/files.)(/.) {*
** alias /var/lib/onlyoffice/documentserver/App_Data$1;**
** add_header Content-Disposition “attachment; filename*=UTF-8’'$arg_filename”;**

** secure_link $arg_md5,$arg_expires;**
** secure_link_md5 “$secure_link_expires$uri$secure_link_secret”;**

** if ($secure_link = “”) {**
** return 403;**
** }**

** if ($secure_link = “0”) {**
** return 410;**
** }**

# Allow “/internal” interface only from
# Don’t comment out the section below for the security reason!
** location ~* ^(/[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+[.|-][\d]+)?/(internal)(/.*)$ {**
** allow;**
** deny all;**
** proxy_pass http://docservice/$2$3;**

# Allow “/info” interface only from by default
# Comment out lines allow; and deny all; **
# of below section to turn on the info page
location ~ ^(/[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+[.|-][\d]+)?/(info)(/.*)$ {

** allow;
** deny all;**
** proxy_pass http://docservice/$2$3;**

location / {
** proxy_pass http://docservice;**

location ~ ^(/[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+[.|-][\d]+)?(/doc/.*) {
** proxy_pass http://docservice$2$is_args$args;**
** proxy_http_version 1.1;**

location /8.0.1-31/ {
** proxy_pass http://docservice/;**

location ~ ^(/[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+[.|-][\d]+)?/(dictionaries)(/.*)$ {
** expires 365d;**
** alias /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/$2$3;**

Hello, do you have time to help me check this question?

Please reproduce the problem with devTools Console and Network tabs opened, provide screenshots of them to us, also send us the screenshot of the error in the Editor

No error logs!!!

Please reproduce the issue with DevTools (F12 for Chrome/Firefox) Console and Network tabs opened, send the screen recording of the reproduction to us.
Also, please update to the newest 8.1.1 version and check if the issue is reproduced

This is a screenshot when opening the editor in version 7.5.1.


This is the code for using only office in my Vue project. Do you need to add any configurations to solve this problem?

Can you please provide a screen recording of the issue reproduction with Console tab of DevTools opened?
Generally, nothing should be added to Vue application config after the update

The content of the pop-up prompt is (Editor version has been updated. The page will be reloaded to apply the changes.)

First of all, please try updating to newer 8.1.1 version, but make sure that the old configs are not preserved after the update as preserving them may lead to such an issue. If the issue stays after the update, please reproduce it with DevTools → Console tab opened in particular and send us the screenshot of it

Thank you for your reply. I have confirmed that the version I am using is 8.1.1. There were screenshots taken during the above reply process, and I used a brand new server to deploy the service.

Alright. So please provide the screenshot of the Console tab in particular during the issue reproduction

I have provided relevant screenshots in the above reply. Please pay attention to the content and reply as soon as possible. Thank you.

I have noticed an interesting phenomenon where I deployed version of DocumentServer using Docker. However, when my application switches back to the self compiled version of DocumentServer deployed on another server after using that version, it will display a prompt indicating that the editor has been updated. Does this phenomenon involve any configuration? Please let me know.

Hello, I mean this particular Console tab which is highlighted on the screenshot, please see for reference:

Earlier you provided screenshots of Network tab in particular.
As for your last message, this issue usually occurs when old configs are preserved when switching between versions. Old configs should not be preserved (as then in ds-docservice.conf for example you’ll have wrong version of Document Server specified).
It is probable that the issue that you faced is connected with this as a whole.

This request address( http://test.jckj.group/onlyoffice/8.1.1-26/doc/2dbd1a9ddf79486c8a4afbfc34d22716/c/?shardkey=2dbd1a9ddf79486c8a4afbfc34d22716&EIO=4&transport=polling&t=P4rs -Gv. 0&sd=2Aj4WsPgeUwvzZApAAAG), the previous version 7.5.1 did not have a version number, but after switching to the new version, it has always had the version numbers 8.1.1-26. This version number causes this prompt, and I am not sure how to clear this setting.