Download a Transcript of edits

Is there an easy way to download a transcript which includes time stamps of what edits where made to a document during a particular session?

Hello @Magos_Cybernetica :handshake:

There is no such feature.
Could you show how you envision the implementation of such a feature?

I would settle for a simple text file, which shows a time stamp, user name, page, and content of the edit.

The output of the file should look like this:

Tom Smith : Tues / Nov / 28th / 2024
Time: 6:46 PM
New Entry : Page 6 Line: 4
“I think the sky should be blue on this planet instead of purple”

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Thank you, @Magos_Cybernetica
We will consider your suggestion. :handshake:
Once I gather additional information, I will get back to you.