Document Server Issue After Update: Unable to Open Documents

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Document Server version: 6.2 (Updated, but incorrectly shows as in Control Panel)

Type of installation of the Document Server: EXE (Followed the installation guide: Updating ONLYOFFICE Docs for Windows to the latest version - ONLYOFFICE)

OS: Windows Server

Browser version: Chrome (Latest), Edge (Latest)

Additional information:

Our team has been using the community version of OnlyOffice Document Server without issues for several years. Recently, our server experienced downtime due to a problem with our service provider (Contabo). After the server was restored, we were unable to open any documents on the Document Server.

In an attempt to fix the issue, I updated the Document Server from version 6.2 following the instructions provided in the installation guide. However, the problem persisted. We can access and download files, but opening them is not possible. Additionally, after the update, the Control Panel shows the Document Server version as, which seems incorrect.

I also attempted to update the Community Server (from version 11.1.917 to 12.6.1258), but encountered a connection error with Elasticsearch on port 9200, despite the port being open through the firewall.

We haven’t made any changes to the configuration files or proxy settings. I have searched through the documentation, forums, and other resources, but have not found a solution.

Errors in the browser console:

I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions on resolving this issue.

Thank you in advance for your support.

I found that the error was caused by Postgresql’s Locale settings. The locale information defined as Turkey.1254 was changed to Türkiye.1254 due to the name change.

With Microsoft’s Locale Builder application, a locale with the old name can be defined and the problem can be solved.

Hello @koksal.basar
We are glad that the situation has been solved. However, the entire issue scenario isn’t clear to me. Could you please provide us with your steps in troubleshooting and resolving the situation? As far as I understand, you are using Workspace.

Hi Alexandre,

I appreciate your interest. But I can’t say that the problem is completely solved.

A) Current situation:
We can open some document files with a warning message. Some of them do not open. I am not sure but if the document is edited in OnlyOffice it opens but if it is uploaded it cannot be opened. The files that do not open also show an error message.

The first warning message that appears is:
“The document could not be saved. Please check the connection settings or contact your administrator. When you click ‘OK’, you will be asked to download the document.”

Only if this message appears, the file can be opened.

“After clicking ‘OK’, the file page (or menu) opens. When you click on the home page, the document will be ready to be edited.”

The desktop editor also works with the same symptoms. When I open the file that was open on the web in the desktop editor to try collaboration, the same message appears on the web as soon as the desktop editor shows the above message.

The error message that appears after the warning message when the file does not open is as follows:

“Download failed.
Press ‘OK’ to return to document list.”

There is no problem opening files other than office files. PDF or graphic files open without any problems.

The situation we are in is not ideal but we consider it acceptable.

B) Configuration
As you think, we cannot use Workspace. You can see the latest situation below.

The working configuration was enough for us (Document Server 6.2) and we did not need to update. After experiencing the problem, we tried to do all the updates suggested by the control panel.

First, I tried to update Document Server to the latest version. However, I encountered the installation and version problem that is the subject of this ticket. After solving the Postgresql problem, I reinstalled it. (I still continue without connecting to RabbitMQ.)

(The problem in Postgresql was due to the locale definitions related to the language definition. This file/setting name was changed by Windows from Turkey.1254 to Türkiye.1254. This is due to the change of the country’s name to English.)

However, I could not update the Community Server. Because after installing the necessary files and starting the installation, a question like “Are you sure you want to exit the installation?” is encountered shortly and you do not have the chance to continue.

Then I tried to install Workspace but I could not proceed due to the above problem.

I did not see the need to do more in-depth research due to time constraints.

As I mentioned before, we continue with a solution that is not ideal but acceptable for now.

Hello @koksal.basar
Sorry for the late reply.

If you can provide us with details of exact actions, it would be appreciated. However, we do not recommend any manual actions with database. Also you statement about RabbitMQ isn’t clear:

(I still continue without connecting to RabbitMQ.)

Is the service stopped?

To sum up current situation:

  • some files provide an error when user tries to open them;
  • outdated installation;
  • manual actions with Postgres and RabbitMQ(?);

I assume that the best way in this case is to update your installation first and check if the issue persists after the update. Please use the latest .exe file for the update process, do not use the Control Panel of your portal: Download ONLYOFFICE Workspace | ONLYOFFICE

NB! We strongly recommend preparing whole server backup before any actions. If something goes wrong during the update process, you will be able to roll back to current state quickly.

  1. I did not manually intervene in the Postgresql installation. There was a connection problem to the previously created database. I encountered the problem described in this article (unfortunately in Turkish). To fix this situation, I followed the steps in the article and recreated and installed the Locale file (Turkish_Turkey.1254) that was removed by Microsoft with the language update.

Thus, the Postgresql service was able to connect to the previously created OnlyOffice database. After this process, the installation process worked smoothly for Postgresql.

  1. The RabbitMQ service seems to be working smoothly on my local server. However, during the installation phase, it says that it cannot connect to this service.

  2. I have already tried installing the OnlyOffice Workspace Community version.

  • After the download of the prerequisite software from the internet is complete, I accept the license agreement.
  • I select the installation point (I use the default path).
  • In the next step, I click the Install button.
  • The installation process seems to have started. However, after a while (while writing Installing prerequisite software), it asks “Are you sure you want to cancel the installation of OnlyOffice Workspace?” as if the cancel button was pressed during the installation.

This is where it becomes a vicious circle. If you select Yes, the installation is completed, if you select No, the above process repeats.
Note: I also tried the installation file on the link. The result did not change.

My only intervention in the process was to disable the token usage (using the local.json file). Because when the token was enabled, it showed a message that the token usage was incorrect. I read all the posts in the forum. After making sure that both the key and the secret directory were exactly the same, I found the solution in canceling the token. I saw that we could open the file even though it showed an error when the token was canceled.

Actually, as I said, although the solution is not ideal but acceptable.

Hello @koksal.basar
Sorry for the late reply.
Please run a few tests:

  • Please enable the integrated example of Document server and check if the issue persists there"
    Additionally, double-check that local copy of downloaded file contains the changes you made during the test.
    Please let us know the result.

  • Please reproduce the update scenario via exe file from the link from my previous post > record a video file with your actions.
    Once the situation is reproduced, please collect the update logs. They should be located here:
    \Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\ - we need MSI*****.LOG files
    We need to take a look at these logs.

  • Please reproduce the situation with file editing and provide us with whole Community server/Control Panel/Document server logs folders. they’re located here:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Ascensio System SIA\DocumentServer\Log
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Ascensio System SIA\CommunityServer\Logs
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Ascensio System SIA\ControlPanel\Logs

  • Please show us the list of installed apps on the server from Windows Control Panel

  • Please go to the portal > settings > Document server integration > make a screenshot of this page.

Hi Alexandre,

I’ve tried to answer your questions.

  1. The functionality is not different from the original installation when I started the sample server service on You can find a video for the responses at this link.

  2. You can find the installation video at this link and the log files at this link (

  3. Additional log files are here.

  1. The installed software list is here
  1. I added a Server Action video. You can access it from this link.

I hope this helps us.

Hi @koksal.basar

Thank you for providing all the details, videos, and log files. Please allow me to join the conversation. I’m currently reviewing everything and will follow up with a more detailed response shortly.

Thank you for your patience!

Hi Nicholas,

I appreciate your efforts, but I decided to move the OnlyOffice installation to another box. I think everything mixed up in my current installation. I believe, building from scratch is easier than trying to clean. Providing me with manual backup (files and database) and restoring procedures makes me very happy. (if it’s possible)


I’ll continue with this guide.

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Hi @koksal.basar

Sure thing!
Keep us posted by updating this thread. Your experience might be really helpful for other users as well!

I will share my experiences (problems and how I overcame them) during the installation.

But I need some help right now.

I did a clean installation. I created a user for Workspace and finished the installation. I saw that OnlyOffice worked without any problems.

After installing the MySQL database backup I took before, I cannot log in with either the new user or the previous user information.

I would be glad if you could provide me with an urgent way to do this.


My installation problem is after a long restore phase, it has come to some point. Versions are different, some fields are depreciated, some tables are added, etc. The restoration phase was very challenging. I will explain all the details later.

Currently, I have a partially working OnlyOffice Workspace. I logged in with an admin account during the installation phase. Sample files were opened etc.

I got the database and data folder back. However, when WebStudio is restored, the web interface becomes inaccessible. The system gives an error. There is no problem listed in EventViewer. I rollbacked the restored files because of this.

Users cannot log in at the current stage. Since the e-mail system does not work, the password change process cannot be sent. For this, I tried to get the relevant link from the notify_queue table and run it. However, I get an “Invalid e-mail or expired link” error.

I don’t know what else I can do. I need your help.



I managed to access the documents and run Workspace. I would like to share my views and the problems I encountered and solved during the process with you.

  • OnlyOffice is a “Sunny Day Scenario” application. If you have the opportunity, install the operating system on a server dedicated only to OnlyOffice services and install it immediately after completing the updates. I am sure it will work without any problems.

  • If there is something on the server that OnlyOffice uses for any service, it may get confused. For example, if there is an Erlang + RabbitMQ duo on the server you are installing, you may have problems installing. When you remove these two and try to install OnlyOffice, it will probably think that RabbitMQ is there even though it is not and will not install (this was one of the situations that happened in my scenario). This is not OnlyOffice’s problem. But it does affect it. In such a case, I recommend that you manually clean all the components from the registry. (The best thing is to do a clean install again :slight_smile:

  • Check for updates to OnlyOffice parts frequently and do the updates. This is a general situation. In my scenario, there are different versions, etc. Since it was an abandoned area/table or added area/table problems it was very difficult to restore backups. It was necessary to compare the relevant fields and tables or find and add them with Event Viewer.

  • Patience and Event Viewer will be your best friend for all errors.

Hi @koksal.basar :handshake:

I apologize for the delayed response :roll_eyes: I’ve been a bit busy.

Thank you for your update and for sharing your experiences with us! It’s great to hear that you were able to access your documents and run Workspace.

We recommend installing OnlyOffice on a clean server to avoid any potential conflicts with other services. You’re a great user, and we truly appreciate your descriptive approach to problem-solving. I believe your insights will be very helpful to other users who may encounter similar issues. :hugs:

If you have any specific topics or questions you would like to discuss further, please feel free to share.

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