docSpace.getHashSettings is not a function. Not found this function and when using SDK, not shown document as iframe


<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
const config = {
"mode": "editor",
"width": "100%",
"height": "700px",
"frameId": "ds-frame",
"init": true,
"id": 379247,
"requestToken": "SHBybXZiSDFwU3RFYTROSjdpVGJpT2IvZ24vTkFiY2VhdGFCbjlzVCtzND0_ImIwZDQ1MzU5LTIyMmYtNGZhYS05ZmRmLWY1Yzk4Y2NhZjNhMiI"


 var docSpace = DocSpace.SDK

var hash= docSpace.getHashSettings();D
var pass=docSpace.createHash(‘pass’, hash);
var login=docSpace.login(‘email’, pass);

 <div id="ds-frame"></div>

Hi @iMax :wave:
Could you please let us know if you have used the ready-to-use presets?

Where to find: Settings → Developer Tools → JavaScript SDK

We’ve released ONLYOFFICE DocSpace 2.5. In this release, we’ve added ready-to-use presets that allow you to seamlessly embed your DocSpace or its parts into any web interface.

You might find the following topic helpful, which discusses the DocSpace API: How to access DocSpace through JavaScript SDK.