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Community Server/Control Panel version: 12.x
Type of installation of Workspace (docker, deb/rpm, exe) deb
OS:ubunut 20.04
Browser version:chrome current
I have no access to Google Auth or my stored OLD codes for my portal access… can i disable MFA and then generate NEW codes ? I have root access at lix CLI and to the DB
Hi Carl, no. I lost the phone with my account/admin account in google authenticator. I wiped the phone remotely so its secure , I need a new phone of course. BUT now I’m stuck with no access to the portal.
Hello Carl. I have the same problem and I can’t login to the portal. I need to reset the 2FA codes using the console. Please help in solving. Root access to the portal is. Thanks
Hello @KES
I’m a little bit confused since I see your other post where you described an issue with file opening. Do I understand it right that access to your portal has been restored?