Critical Bug in Zotero Plugin for ONLYOFFICE

Dear ONLYOFFICE Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Stefanos Stavrianos, and I am a senior graduate student in the Department of Agricultural Economics & Development at the School of Applied Economics and Social Sciences. I am also a member of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE). I am currently in the final stages of my Master’s thesis research and am utilizing ONLYOFFICE for this critical work.

I am writing to bring to your attention a significant issue with the Zotero plugin integration within ONLYOFFICE. Specifically, the plugin is failing to implement changes to recognized academic bibliography styles, such as APA and Chicago, despite these styles being explicitly selected within the Zotero menu.

Sequence of Events:

  1. I navigate to the Zotero menu within ONLYOFFICE.
  2. I select a specific academic bibliography style, such as APA or Chicago.
  3. Despite confirming the change, the citations within the document remain incorrectly formatted, thus not adhering to the chosen academic style.
  4. The inability to correctly format my citations and bibliography according to standard academic styles is severely disrupting my research work. The timing is particularly problematic as I am at a critical juncture in the completion of my Master’s thesis.

Given the essential role that ONLYOFFICE plays in the academic community, particularly in the development and presentation of scholarly work, I kindly urge you to investigate this matter urgently. I am more than willing to participate in any diagnostic efforts, including providing additional information, logs, or screenshots that might be required to address the issue.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this pressing matter. I look forward to your prompt response and am optimistic that a resolution will be achieved expediently.

Stefanos Stavrianos

Hello @stefanstavrianos
Would you mind providing us with video file while you’re reproducing the situation step-by-step? We will be grateful for this additional information.

Thank you very much, @Alexandre , for your prompt attention to my issue. I’ve attempted to upload a video file here to illustrate the problem more clearly, but for some reason, the upload was unsuccessful. Instead, I’ve uploaded the video to MEGA Cloud, and I’m providing the link for you below. In the video, you’ll notice that I’m unable to change the bibliography style, despite following the usual procedures.

I am not a programmer by profession, but given the critical nature of this issue for my academic work, I would greatly appreciate it if you could guide me through the steps to fix the plugin’s code. I genuinely enjoy using ONLYOFFICE and hope this issue can be swiftly resolved.

Hello @stefanstavrianos
Probably I have missed something. I have added a book from your video file to my web library during test attempts. In my tests different Styles change the text as it’s expected. I went to Zotero library itself and checked out how Bibliography looks there. It matches how data is inserted into the document.
Probably I have misunderstood your scenario. Please clarify what exactly is going wrong.


Thank you very much @Alexandre! When I open a file from the Personal Cloud ONLYOFFICE via a browser (such as Brave), the reference style changes. However, when I access the file through the local ONLYOFFICE application, the reference style does not change. I have encountered this issue with both the APT and SNAP installations. I am working on linux (ZorinOs). Also, check this plugin error. There is this error only when I open a file from the personal cloud at onlyoffice desktop editors.

Hello @stefanstavrianos

have encountered this issue with both the APT and SNAP installations.

We are trying to reproduce the situation. I will update this thread when we have something to share.

Also, check this plugin error. There is this error only when I open a file from the personal cloud at onlyoffice desktop editors.

Do I understand the issue scenario right? Click on Plugin Manager > 404 error entry. Is there any proxy server or firewall in front of your PC?
Update: the situation with the Plugin Manager has been reproduced (scenario: connect Desktop app to Personal > open Plugin Manager). We are investigating the situation.

Thank you very much @Alexandre for your prompt attention to the issues I’ve raised concerning the reference style changes and the Plugin Manager error in the ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors. I appreciate your efforts in attempting to reproduce the situation and look forward to any updates you may have to share.

You have understood the issue scenario correctly; I do encounter a 404 error when clicking on Plugin Manager. Regarding your query about a proxy server or firewall, there is no such setup in front of my PC that could be causing this issue.

Again, thank you for taking the time to investigate these matters. Your assistance is invaluable as I am at a critical stage of my academic work and rely heavily on the ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors.

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Hello @stefanstavrianos
We are going to fix described situation with 404 error in Plugin Manager in Document server v.7.5 release for Personal. The release is planned for this autumn. Thank you for pointing us to this situation.

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Thank you very much for your time! Also, can i add a custom bibliography style to the zotero plugin?

Hello @stefanstavrianos
We need some time to check it out. I will update this thread when we have something to share.

Thank you very much, @Alexandre. I trust you will have a pleasant time ahead. Additionally, I would like to propose a highly beneficial feature that would allow all users to tailor the bibliography section to their needs. Currently, the bibliography is presented as a single, continuous paragraph. It would be more advantageous if each entry in the bibliography were delineated as a separate paragraph. Such a modification would facilitate easier customization of the layout for each user.

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Currently, the bibliography is presented as a single, continuous paragraph. It would be more advantageous if each entry in the bibliography were delineated as a separate paragraph

Hello @stefanstavrianos
Understood, we will check it out too. I will come back to you when we have something to share.

Hello @stefanstavrianos
Thank you for your suggestion regarding the implementation of custom bibliography styles adding. We have spoken internally and decided to start working on it.
I will update this thread when we have something to share.

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the anticipated release schedule for the next update of the Zotero plugin for ONLYOFFICE. As a user who frequently utilizes this plugin for research and academic purposes, understanding the timeline for any upcoming enhancements or fixes would be greatly beneficial.

Could you kindly provide any available information regarding the release date? Your assistance in this matter would be highly appreciated, as it would aid in planning and optimizing my workflow.

Thank you for your attention to this inquiry and for your continued support in improving the user experience with ONLYOFFICE and its integrations.

Hello @stefanstavrianos
Sorry for the late reply.
Right now we are focused on Document server v.7.6 and DocSpace v.2.0 releases. It is hard to say the ETA for Zotero update (the mentioned suggestions). I will update this thread when I have specific ETA.
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Dear @stefanstavrianos
Unfortunately we cannot reproduce this behavior on our side. We will keep this thread open in case of additional information from other users. So far I can suggest trying to clear the Desktop app cache, removing the plugin and installing it again from the Plugin manager. I hope it will resolve the situation.

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to follow up on a previous discussion we had a few months ago regarding the discrepancies in the formatting of bibliographies in OnlyOffice, particularly in comparison to the APA 7th Edition standards.

Firstly, I apologize for the delayed response. To provide a clearer picture of the issue at hand, I have prepared a document that illustrates the differences in the APA 7th Edition bibliography formatting between OnlyOffice and LibreOffice. This comparison highlights the specific areas where OnlyOffice’s formatting deviates from the standard APA guidelines, which are widely adhered to in academic and research publications.

I am currenctly using the latest Desktop Editors and my OS is Zorin lite (XFCE).

compare.pdf (109.0 KB)

Hello @stefanstavrianos
Thank you for the file. Do I understand it right that citation in general works correctly, but issue is related to text formatting (e.g. line spacing, font, font style)?
If you can point me to APA Formatting and Style Guide correct link for my reference, I would appreciate it as well. I’ve found this one: APA Formatting and Style Guide (7th Edition) - Purdue OWL® - Purdue University

Dear @Alexandre

Yes, you are correct. The general citation functionality in OnlyOffice works correctly. The issue I am encountering is specifically related to text formatting, such as line spacing, font, and font style, which are essential for proper APA 7th Edition compliance. To assist further in ensuring adherence to these standards, I recommend checking the Zotero Style Repository at This site provides a wide array of citation styles, including the APA 7th Edition, which could be very useful for our purpose. I recommend checking the “Guide to APA Formatting and Style.” This document elaborates on the essential formatting and style elements of the APA Publication Manual and should provide a clear benchmark for identifying the discrepancies in OnlyOffice’s formatting​​.
apa.pdf (389.8 KB)

Hello @stefanstavrianos
Thank you for the detailed description. We are checking the situation.

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