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OS version: MacOS 14.5
App version: 8.1
Hello. I want to write a report with the following heading styles:
Chapter 1. Heading 1
1.1. Heading 2
1.1.1. Heading 3
What I did was using the 1.1.1 multilist heading as default and add the “Chapter” word in the first heading.
However, when I insert a caption including the chapter number, the resulting caption is:
Figure Chapter 1.1 instead of Figure 1.1
This happens with both for including Heading 1 and Heading 2 in the caption setting.
Also, when the sub heading is changed, the caption number is reset. e.g.:
Chapter 1
1.1. Heading A
Figure Chapter 1-1 [intended Figure 1-1]
1.1.1 Sub heading A
Figure Chapter 1-1 [Should be Figure Chapter 1-2, intended is Figure 1-2]
Is there a fix/workaround on this?
Kind regards,