Can't Log In

Can’t seem to log-in to my DocSpace Cloud URL. My email & password I know are correct as they are the same for the

Anyway I want to edit both email & password

DocSpace Cloud URL:
Browser version: Brave Browser [Version 1.66.118 Chromium: 125.0.6422.147 (Official Build) (64-bit)]

Hi @amanajosh :wave:
Based on your previous posts, it looks like your email for OnlyOffice Workspace Cloud is Try resetting your password to recover access.


Yeah. So I click ‘Forgot Password’, put my email and I do not see an email popping up on my Skiff email to change password

It seems that you have changed your email from to another one.
(The mailing services are operating normally.)

Is it possible that you already changed your email after requesting the 2FA deactivation?

Yeah I changed my email. I figured it out.

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