Can the web-apps module run independently of the document server? How to modify the address of the request back-end server in web-apps

Can the web-apps module run independently of the document server? How to modify the address of the request back-end server in web-apps

and if i just run web-apps,it has a mistake

It looks like you ran integrated example of a storage. Please clarify what guide you used. We have information about integration steps with Document server in our official guides. For example:

Edit the default.json configuration file. Specify the name of your local server with the ONLYOFFICE Document Server installed.

nano config/default.json

Edit the following line:

“siteUrl”: “https://documentserver/

where the documentserver is the name of the server with the ONLYOFFICE Document Server installed.

One more thing. Please note that it is just an example. We do not recommend you to use it as productive state.