How to start and debug locally?Using grunt live will prompt the path error

Excuse me, I use grunt live to refresh immediately after editing. However, when I open some pages, I will be prompted that some static resource paths cannot be found. These static resource paths are configured after compilation. How can I develop and debug locally?

example:i open this web:

Report these errors:
and the Project structure

By the way, once my windows 7 system runs the grunt command, it will be blue screen (not grunt live). It won’t run only on Linux

Hello xyuuuuuuu.
Please point me to the guide which you used for Document server compiling.

I’m sorry I made a mistake. What I want to ask is:
I have deployed web-apps locally ( How can I make them request the document server of another site (docservice, convertservice… IP: Can I modify it in web apps

Hello xyuuuuuuu.
I would like to ask you not to duplicate your messages in different topics. Your second topic: Can the web-apps module run independently of the document server? How to modify the address of the request back-end server in web-apps