Building desktop editors for ARM64 Linux, possible?

Hey @nikiforakis.m :wave:
Welcome aboard!

Added you. :handshake:

Hi @paucres :wave:
Thank u :)

Hello. :wave:
I am also interested for Only Office Desktop Editors for ARM64 on Linux. I want to use it on a raspberry pi 5.
Thanks :slight_smile:

Hello @fourtwo :handshake:

I’ve added you to the list as well!
Thank you for showing interest in OnlyOffice Desktop for Linux ARM. :hugs:

Hello everyone, I have multiple ARM SBCs, Orange pi, Khadas and Raspberry pi. They are an amazing alternative for different workloads.

I want to be added to the list, hopefully we can have some instructions on how to build the desktop editors.



Hello @ukhu
We have added your request. We are still working on this suggestion and we will update this thread once we have something to share.