Building desktop editors for ARM64 Linux, possible?

Hello @eduarfi :hugs:
Added you!

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Hi Nikolas,

Thank you so much for the support. I’m also interested in.

Best Regards,

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Hey @paucres :handshake:
Which ARM-based device are you using?

Hello there, I’m also very interested in ARM support for linux. I’m using macbook Air M1 with Fedora Asahi.
Can somebody say should I wait for it? This thread was created about one year ago but still no any news from development team.

hi @Iori :wave:

I’ll check with my colleagues and get back to you with an answer. Also, I’ve included you (@Iori and @paucres )

Another vote for aarch64. Generally I use Fedora on ARM64 VMs. I like integration of system-level install but am totally cool with idea of flatpak for less distribution friction :slight_smile:

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@auslander @Iori
Added you. :handshake:

We have plans to add Linux Arm build.
Guys, we’ll try to add Linux Arm build by version 8.1, but there’s a chance of version migration.


Hey there, Asahi Linux user, just created an account to show interest for an ARM64 build for the desktop editors



Hello, Asahi Linux user! Welcome aboard!
Added you. :handshake:

Hello! Also interested in the Linux arm64 version of ONLYOFFICE Desktop editor. I’m currently using Debian 12 environment on my Chromebook, which is powered by the Snapdragon 7c gen 2 ARM chip.

Thank you team for the hard work!

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I’m using Armbian on my Orange Pi 5 Plus.

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@cristianapas @Liyuu

You’ve also been added to the interested users list.

Unfortunately, I got some disappointing news.
The ONLYOFFICE Desktop build for ARM won’t be implemented by version 8.1.

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Can we expect a build in future versions?

Yes, of course, in future versions, we plan to release ONLYOFFICE Desktop for ARM.
However, unfortunately, the release dates are still unknown.

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Asahi Linux + OnlyOffice (arm) would be a dream!


Hello @tav :wave:

Added you!

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Longtime OnlyOffice user on MacOS and Ubuntu Linux. Currently dual-booting MacBook Pro (arm64) with Asahi Linux. OnlyOffice Desktop Editor is one of the few things that requires me to reboot back over to MacOS throughout the day. So, +1 for arm64. Thanks!


I’m glad to hear that you like our application. Thank you, we strive to do our best.
I would love to provide you with a timeline, but unfortunately, we don’t have any information on that at the moment.

(Added you!)

Hi! Using Libreoffice for several years. OnlyOffice seems the only office suite that can replace it!!! I really like it! Keep in the good job! Regarding arm64 I run manjaro via termux in an android tablet (samsung tab s7fe) It would be perfect if I could install onlyoffice!


Hi Nikolas,

I’m using a Lenovo Duet 3.

Sorry for the delay.

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