[ask for help] onlyoffice8.0.1 version will appear in a white box due to comments

hi, we are the user of onlyoffice’s enterprise version, we had some error’s happened on the the version of 8.0.1:

1.We added comments to the excel spreadsheet
2.Then, when we opened onlyoffice, a blank box appeared, which would not have appeared if no comment had been added.

3.The duo’shao’ge white box will appear if there are as many annotations

Looking forward to your reply, thank you

Hello @lxof

We are aware of this behavior and currently analyzing this issue. I will provide an update as soon as we get any results.

We have found out that this behavior is a bug. It was registered and I’m glad to inform you that this issue will be fixed in upcoming version 8.1 of ONLYOFFICE Docs.

Thinks for your reply, Looking forward to your new version.
best regards!

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Hello @lxof

New version was released recently, please update your editors and check situation again. We are looking forward to your feedback.