Alignment gets messed up when document has text within frame

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Uploading a document with text within the frame causes a lot of overlapping of text with multiple paragraphs. Please look at the attached video for reference

However if i export the document as docx, it shows up in MS word fine but in pdf export, it shows the corrupted output which is similar to what we see in Onlyoffice

File which was uploaded
105-Third Party Paper.docx (361.5 KB)

DocumentBuilder version:
Installation method: Demo Site
OS: Demo Site

Hello @agamdev
Thank you for detailed description, we are checking the situation.

Hello @agamdev
We have found a bug in the described scenario. Thank you for valuable data! We have started working on it.
I will update this thread when we release a fix.

@Alexandre do you have an ETA on a fix? Thanks

Hello @alexk

Unfortunately, there is no time frames for the fix of this issue available yet.