Add the ability to adjust PDF quality

I want to: Suggest a feature
OS version: macOS 12.7.1
App version: 7.5.1 (542) Apple Silicon
Downloaded from: ONLYOFFICE website

I’ve noticed that saving files in PDF format greatly degrades the quality of embedded pictures.

I know the idea is to create small files, but the compression chosen for JPEG is too strong.

Here’s a zoom at 400% of my original picture (file size 3.2Mb):

Here’s the same part at 400% after PDF or PDF/A export (file size 1.2Mb):

If I export my docx to pdf using the print menu of my Mac I get a 24.2 Mb PDF file with full quality pictures. I can easily reduce it to 7.8 Mb with pretty good pictures quality with PDF Expert. Here’s the result:

I would like you add an option (maybe in Files - advanced parameters) to set the PDF export image quality with at least 2 options: “small file size” (or “web”) (using the actual JPEG compression) or "good picture quality " (or “print”) with a JPEG compression ratio around 90%.


hi @Kroc :handshake:

Like this suggestion?

Yup, something like that.

I would like to second this proposal.
I’ve made a brochure which should be printed in a print shop. For this I need the highest quality.
Because this file is very, very big, I need a second, much smaller version, which I want to put on my homepage for download.
Because of this I think it necessary to set the resolution and the jpeg compression of the pictures.
Best regards

Hi @ToxyLT :wave:

We have added your request with an example of your use case.
Thank you for your interest in the product.

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Hi Nikolas,
thank you!
Are the requests public? Where can I see them?

Unfortunately, we don’t have public access to feature requests for implementation. However, we can always keep you informed about the status of the feature or bug you’re interested in.

As soon as the feature is implemented, we will definitely notify you in the topic thread.