Add RTL support?

Hello Hossam,
Please, note that the RTL support for the spread sheet editor, still not available. It is planned for 8.4 release.

For the issue, with (Alt + Enter)
Please, provide us with the your OS version, and the way ONLYOFFICE has been installed.

@Ali @Constantine
Hello Ali
could you please provide me with the 8.4 release time.

I am using Arch Linux OS. For ONLYOFFICE installation I used Snap package as @DmitriiV advice me in the following forum topic.


Hello Hossam… I just tried on my side that the atl+enter does indeed work. You should make sure that the cursor is within the cell, “double-click on the cell”… I do use 8.3 version on Arch Linux also…
And please guys, I mean the dev team…
I hope that the RTL support gonna also support the bilingual sheet. As in my case, I do work sometimes on bilingual invoices (French + Arabic) as for now, I’m forced to use LibreOffice for such case…
Thank you all

@Yassine @Constantine @Ali ,

Many thanks Yassine,
It is working now. It worked only when I used the left ALT with Enter, but when I am using the right ALT with Enter as usual, it’s not working. Any advice?

Attached is screenshot.

Thanks again @Yassine.

Hey… the right alt which is actually called altgr has different fonction than the left one… and no… I’m used with the left alt + entrer for getting a new line… I don’t know if it is possible to reconfigure that key… well… with linux of course it possible but I guess better to advice you to just get used with the left alt… many other programs also react differently between these two keys…
Best regards.
Ps: to reconfigure any kind of keyboard key is at the os level… onlyoffice or other software has nothing to do with this…

Thanks @Yassine

Dear @Constantine @Ali,

Could you please confirm the following information that was written by Yassine?
PS: to reconfigure any kind of keyboard key is at the os level… onlyoffice or other software has nothing to do with this…

Note : In Microsoft Excel following are the steps to start a new line of text in a worksheet cell,
Double-click the cell in which you want to insert a line break.

Click the location inside the selected cell where you want to break the line.

Press Alt+Enter to insert the line break.


Yes, if the OS does not support such function, or not configured, it could not work.

Many thanks, @ONLYOFFICE_team , @Constantine , @Ali . I really appreciate your continuous support and answering my questions.

Dear Ali,

Does the Linux OS not support the Alt (left + Enter) & (Alt right + Enter) to do the same function in the SW program like our case (insert a new line in the cell of the spreadsheet)?

Note: When I configure my Linux OS, I can choose a lot of keys to switch from English to Arabic, and I can use, for example, (Ctrl left + Shift) only or (Ctrl right + Shift) only, or I can use both ways to do the same function "Switch Language. ".

Finlay, please provide me with the ONLYOFFICE (8.4) release time.

Best Regards,

Helllo @Hossam
Here is your answer: Linux console/Keyboard configuration - ArchWiki
and not to be rude, but I think you may open a topic on Arch Linux forum for more question related to keyboard mapping…


Thanks @Yassine

Can I ask about your IT technical background? Did you work as a programmer before?

@ONLYOFFICE_team @Constantine @Ali

Please correct me if I am acting rudely or violating your forum’s role and regulation.

For more information about me, the following are the links to my LinkedIn profile and my company.

edited by moderator

Finally, I really appreciate this space your forum gives me to participate with my thoughts and experience regarding using your products, which impacts my business plan, and I hope this can participate in improving your product and growing OnlyOffice’s market share.


Easy there detective. I came here to discus OnlyOffice, not to apply for a job. Didn’t realise helping require a full background check. If my advice works, great. If not feel free to ignor it… no need for personnal investigation

Dear users,
This is a technical forum where its members try to help each other. We appreciate the impact of the community on product improvement, but we ask you to avoid discussing abstract (non-technical) topics and refrain from promoting third-party resources.
@Hossam I will edit your post to remove LinkedIn/website data. It seems off-topic.

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Thanks @Alexandre

If I don’t get an answer to my last two questions, I will consider your answer to be, Yes, you are acting rudely, and you are violating our forum’s role and regulation. So, I will leave your forum and stop using your product.

Thanks For your time.

Dear Hossam,
Please, keep the topic related to the technical issues, and avoid any other side topics.
For the question, with Alt+Enter \ specify your OS and its version (built) ,and we will check on our side.

8.4 release, is planned for Q2 2025