Add RTL support?

Look, Onlyoffice feels great. It got that modern look, I feel it’s faster and even it’s supported on nextcloud.

I like it even more than Libreoffice (*even though I’m a libreoffice hardcore fan)

but my god how much it’s hard to add support for Right-To-Left Languages? As an Arabic speaker user I use onlyoffice not only for online edits but also for school work and guess what? we type in Arabic (I know it’s a surprise!) and nope onlyoffice STILL does not support that for some reason so i got back to libreoffice but i still need to use onlyoffice so can you support RTL? I’m sure it’s not rocket science


Hello @esmailelbob

Unfortunately, Right to Left languages are still not supported by ONLYOFFICE, our developers are working on implementing them in the future, but still, there is no exact release date. We apologize for the inconveniences caused!

How we can help to achive that…
For me it’s the only option to switch to linux and leave microsoft…

Do we have any update on this issue ?
Is it still in development?

Use Libreoffice

Please update if possible

Hello @antox @esmailelbob
Unfortunately, there is still no exact release date. The post will be updated when RTL support will be added.

Is there a way we can help develop Arabic & RTL support further?

Hello @armbouhali
Thank you for your suggestion. We are working hard to release RTL as soon as possible. We don’t need a help at the moment, but we noted this post and thank you for your suggestion. We will contact you when we have something to share.

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Hello, any updates with it… please… is there chance that it will be on 2023 ?

Hello @Ofer5183
We’re still working on it. I know that community looks for this feature and we will immediately share any news on it when we have something to share.
Sorry for the length of the situation.

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Guys it’s been ages, add hebrew at least :sob:

Hello @elonhrary
We are on the finish line. It took a lot of work, but I believe we are going to provide a good news in the near future.

Hai Alex! Any update on this?

Hello @Azhab98
We have added RTL support in beta status in the last major release:
Right now we are actively working to improve all aspects of RTL, I will update this thread when we have something to share.

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