The Zenodo bibliographic references are listed in the order they were added, not in the order they appear in the text. I tried several style but none allows to change this behavior.
Hello @aghozlane
Thank you for reporting the issue. Could you please provide:
- A detailed step-by-step scenario to reproduce this behavior.
- The document where the problem occurs (if possible).
- A short video demonstrating the issue.
This information will help us investigate the issue more efficiently.
Dear Nicolas,
I confused zenodo and zotero. It’s zotero and it’s this bug: Reordering citation numbers after inserting a new citation in IEEE format with Zotero Plugin · Issue #336 · ONLYOFFICE/ · GitHub
Not solved apparently since April.
Hi @aghozlane
Yes, you’re right.
Unfortunately, there are no updates on this issue yet. I’ll make sure to add your report to the existing problem. Thank you for pointing this out!