

I want to add watermarks to all documents, not just display watermarks when editing online on web pages. What I want is to upload docx, xlsx, and ppt files to the server ,and when they are downloaded, the files will have the watermark information of the uploader.
For docx files, I used the documentbuilder method to InsertWatermark and successfully generated watermarks. How can I add watermarks to xlsx and pdf files? I have Docker for document server on my server, please give me some advice.

Hello @Shawn

Unfortunately, there are no methods that would allow insertion of watermarks into a spreadsheet editor. As far as I know, watermarks are not supported in most popular processors too. If I’m wrong, please correct me, we will gladly consider it as an enhancement.

As for the PDF: you can try out this plugin which works both in DOCX and PDF files to build a base for your usage scenario: