Hi, I have the same problem, both on Windows and Linux, version
Check out this screenshot:
It seems that the file is seen as an html and I cannot convert it as an excel document.
For sure there is inside some html but i need to open it or export it as Excel file.
Hello @alborto
Please clarify if you have the same issue scenario as it was described by previous users (Nextcloud storage is connected to local folder and you are opening a file from this directory).
Hello @Alexandre , this is a local file, both on windows and linux.
I can open others xls files correctly but not this very importanta kind of file that a company sends me.
I think you have different scenario and the issue is related to that file. Is it possible to contact me via PM and provide with mentioned file? We would like to check it out.
Thanks a lot, i sent e PM to you
Hello @alborto
We reproduced the issue with provided file and we have added a bug to internal tracksystem (internal number - 58977). We have started working on it.
Thank you for valuable data!
Hello @Alexandre thanks a lot, can i know when this problem will be resolved?
Can i track the bug, for example?
I will update this thread when we release a fix for mentioned bug.
@Alexandre ok, thanks a lot
Hello @D4vastu and @alfptz
We have reproduced the issue and added a bug (59368).
@D4vastu thank you for test account one more time!
Hello @Alexandre, sorry if I reopen this thred, but I have encountered almost the same issue. In my case ONLYOFFICe is a flatpak app and this behaviour happen when I try to open a non .doc file from another flatpak app (telegram, firefox, thunderbird, …).
Is there any solution?
Thanks a lot
Hello @AndBat86
Please record a video file with your test and specify the Desktop Editors and your OS versions.
The bug mentioned in this thread was resolved in v.7.2. We need additional data to check out your case.