Do you want to: Report a bug
For feature suggestions, describe the result you would like to achieve in detail:
For bug reports, provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem: Workspace community need license?
Community Server/Control Panel version: 12.5.2-637/3.5.0-516
Type of installation of Workspace (docker, deb/rpm, exe) :rpm
OS:Rocky Linux 9.3
Browser version: Google Chrome 120.0.6099.129
Hi @boston,
Workspace Community Edition should not require a license file. Please provide the output of the command yum list installed | grep onlyoffice
It seems you have installed ONLYOFFICE Workspace Enterprise Edition because the Document Server package on your server is onlyoffice-documentserver-ee.
Please specify the command you used to launch the installation script.
Please execute the command history on the server => find the command you used to execute the installation script => make its screenshot and attach it here.
We have found out that the script can install the commercial version of Workspace if there is a typo in the -it WORKSPACE flag in the command bash -it WORKSPACE
So please confirm the command was entered with no typos.