Workspace community edition unable to upload documents over https

problem: unable to upload documents over https
Community Server version: 22.01.654
Type of installation of Workspace (docker, deb/rpm, exe): deb/rpm not docker
OS: Ubuntu 20.04
Browser version: Firefox/Chrome/Edge

I have installed Workspace community edition on a fresh installed Ubuntu 20.04 server.
Added a valid letsencrypt certificate. All works fine over http.
When I switch to https: all works fine except I cannot upload documents.
I get an error message without an explanation what the error is>
What am I missing here, do I need to open an additional port ?
Ports 80 and 443 are open.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Kind regards Pim


Could you please reproduce this issue and provide us with the following:

  1. All the logs located in the following directory: /app/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/logs
  2. A video-example of you reproducing this issue.
  3. The guide you followed to switch to HTTPS.
  4. The guide you followed to install your ONLYOFFICE Workspace.

Best regards

Hi Viktor,

Thx for your reply,
I presume /app/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/logs is a directory in docker ?
There is no /app/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/logs directory in my install on Ubuntu server 20.04 (without docker)

Video can be found here http - YouTube

I followed the install ONLYOFFICE Workspace using RPM/DEB packages guide, specifically
the one for debian with the script command bash -it workspace

As advised by the article in the helpcenter I followed the directions from the certbot website for the nginx webserver.

Please provide us with all the logs located in the following directory: /var/log/onlyoffice/ and links to exact installation / https switch guides you used.

Best regards.

Hi Vikter,

There are so many .logs in the dircetory could you be more specific in which ones you want:
documentserver web.socketio.log.02-04
Index nginx.access.log nginx.access.log.1 web.sql.log nginx.apisystem.access.log web.api.log web.sso.02-02.log
mail.agg.log nginx.apisystem.error.log web.controlpanel.02-02.log web.sso.02-04.log nginx.error.log web.controlpanel.02-03.log web.thumbnails.log.02-02 nginx.error.log.1 web.controlpanel.02-04.log web.thumbnails.log.02-04
mail.cln.log onlyofficeApiSystem.log web.socketio.log.02-02.gz web.urlshortener.log.02-02 onlyoffice.log web.socketio.log.02-03.gz web.urlshortener.log.02-04

The https switching is done through a reverse proxy on a second machine on my lan enforcing https on a second machine on my lan

Kind regards Pim


Please provide us with ALL the logs located in the following directory: /var/log/onlyoffice/ and LINKS to the exact installation / https switch guides you used.

Best regards.

Hi Viktor I solved the issue.

I began with a fresh instal on ubuntu 20.04.

hen I installed letsencrypt certificates as pointed out on the certbot site.
However this was a nginx config for document server so not for workspace.

I altered the /etc/nginx/conf.d/ds.conf file.

There are 2 lines: include /etc/nginx/includes/ds-*.conf;

I replaced them both with include /etc/nginx/includes/onlyoffice-*.conf;

Now all works fine and I can upload documents.

Thx for your patience !!