Wordprocessor - font properties are incorrectly managed

Since 7.5 (maybe 7.4), I often face weird behaviour with font properties in OO in general.
Here is an example in the text editor that you should be able to reproduce.
It might be a duplicate in previous post, sorry in advance about that, but I guess the more cases you’ll get, the more accurate the fix will be.
Here is the behaviour:
While there is no letter/space, a font property is set at the beginning of the text, property different from the one of the text.
In my opinion this is annoying / abnormal.
This is the result of text suppression / cutting.
I assume that the text area should be cleaned an all formatting properties related to deleted text removed.
Thanks for the analysis.


Hi @arcqus,

Thank you for the provided description of the issue and file. We’ll take a closer look and notify you about the results as soon as we have any.

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Hi @arcqus,

We have registered this issue as a bug. Thank you for your contribution.

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